SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 112: Chapter 112 - The Start Of Despai

Kahn initiated the bloodshed.

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The villagers were still petrified, not wanting to believe that the very being that inspired dear and chaos was standing before them. They made perfect prey for a vengeful predator.

The Shadow Demon raised its hand toward them, causing the villagers to shrink back in fear. Their lips quivered, trying to force out the words that rang in all their hearts. But, the people were scared.

If they said the word, it just might come true the fact that before them stood a Demon!


In a flash, no, faster than that, the dark hand of the Shadow Demon stretched forth and retracted.

Like rubber, stretching and returning to shape, the creatures limbs moved in like manner. If was swifter than the eyes of mere humans could follow, and the scared group fell silent, unaware of what the Demon had just done



The head of one of the villagers cleanly fell off and blood poured out of the gaping neck remained.

Everyones eyes caught the sight at once. The villager was one of the men who bravely led the group. He held a pitchfork and stood at the vanguard a trusty man who boasted one of the greatest physical force in the village of Urich.

Just like that, this man lost his life and his finely toned muscular body crashed to the ground, littering it in blood.


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In response to this unbecoming sight of carnage, the one hundred and ninety-nine villagers could only think of one course of action.


Pained screams. Scared screams. Disbelieving screams.

All kinds of screams sharply peaked as the villagers let out their surging emotions of panic, fear, and sorrow.

Hmn, I see so how they die hasnt changed Kahn muttered in a bit of self-note.

The man who had just fallen, now dead, was merely a scapegoat meant to test Kahns outdated knowledge of the humans. Last he remembered, the surefire way to kill humans was to cut off their heads or go for the heart.

Death was instant and guaranteed using such methods.

Of the two, he chose his favorite, and boy was he glad that it turned out well.

This much should do it. Another mutter escaped his cracked smile.

The villagers, crippled with fear, said nothing. Their bodies shook and they could only take steps back, slowly hoping to retreat without being noticed.


Hicc hicc

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They were not people of violence. No monster ever came to such a remote area, and they had peaceful dealings with everyone. The Lord was kind to them too, well, he was rather loose with their way of life as long as they gave him his due percentage every harvest season.

Since everyone had grown up in peace, experiencing only the hardship of farming and working the field, none of them could withstand the incredible mental strain of seeing someones head loped off and fresh blood pouring out.

It was too overwhelming.

Where do you guys think youre going? Kahn asked, seeing how the villagers began taking retreating steps backward.

The hands they used to hold their weapons were weary.

Hm? Theyre trying to escape, uh? At least insects know their place

Kahn wasnt allowing any prey he set his sight on escape, though.

You arent going anywhere! The sharp, evil grin on this face spread out even more.

The people couldnt understand a single word he said, but upon seeing Kahns face morphing into a more sadistic grin, they abandoned any form of discreet retreat and simply took to their heels.


I dont want to die!

My children!

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Theres no way we can win against a Demon!

S-save me!


Their voices all cried out, creating unsavory noise. The Shadow Demon, Kahn, watched as they all ran, like fleeing cattle, and once again mused to himself how the mere insects he knew in his world were better than the pathetic worms called humans.

Just die already.

Joining all the fingers on his right hand together, Kahns limp morphed into a black blade, thick and sharp.


In one swing, the fleeing mob of nearly two hundred lost their heads!


Splatters of blood rained down the empty, slightly grassy, field as it became dyed in a red hue.

The heads of all the villagers landed at once, bouncing off the area where they landed. Not long after that, the bodies followed.

It was like choreographed action, almost a work of art. Just like that, over half of the village population was extinguished.

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Next, I should go to that house and kill the children and whatever is left of the adults

Kahn transversed the bloodied field, stepping on flesh and crunching bone without even the slightest of regard. None of the red liquid stained his body, though. It was like how mercury slid off of a glass surface.

Kahns eyes were only focused on the thatched hut that was located the furthest away from him.

Considering how he arrived at the village from the rear, the place he was headed to was most likely close to its entrance.

Hmn I may see more human settlements around. If I kill them all and relieve myself of this burning rage inside me, I can think of the next step forward from there

Deciding on the next path to take, Kahn moved toward the entrance of the village.

It didnt take him very long to reach it, and from the corner of his eye, Kahn saw the house that occupied the children and remaining adults in the village, save one, who ran off.

There was no need to worry about that one, though. the Shadow Demon had never lost sight of him. In fact, his running out of the village was meant to be a way for Kahn to spot the nearest point of civilization other than the village he was currently in.

Hm, I see so, its there uh? He muttered, noticing the probe had arrived somewhere. It was bigger and more refined than the village, so Kahn knew it was the better option.

My time here is over

Kahn ignored the house where the kids and elderly were. They didnt matter anymore his steps now trailed for the next place to wreak havoc on.

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