SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 137: Chapter 137 - Visitors (Pt 1)

The Wisps kept dancing and giggling around me, like flies on a pile of dung okay, that wasnt a very good analogy.

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It was too distracting, watching them play with each other. Still, the sight was wonderfully cute that it caused a smile to form on my face.

If I only had one core, this wouldnt be possible

They all looked so happy, being able to interact with their fellow Wisps this way. For Familiars who Bonded with their Hosts, they basically had no one else to relate with except their master. If such a host was cold-hearted and neglectful, the Familiar would suffer loneliness.

At least I was comforted with the fact that even if I was busy, these fellas would have each other.

Suddenly, the four of them halted in their play, their brimming bodies glowing brighter than usual

Someones coming!



Run and hide!

Instantly, they all lunged back into my body, returning to their respective Mana Cores. It was adorably how they fled, but I wasnt surprised that they were able to sense someones presence, something I hadnt been able to.

Well, I suppose I havent completely come out of it yet

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A knock interrupted my thoughtsit was light and gentle. I quickly sat up, resting my back on the crown of the bed I lay on as I expected my visitor.


The door opened slowly and the person in front of it entered, not even waiting for me to give permission. Upon seeing the face of my visitor, though, I acknowledged that there was no need for that.

Professor Neron Kaelid its a pleasure to see you.

My words may have been an act of courtesy, but my smile was genuine. Of all the people I wanted to see first, he was the first candidate.

Looks like youre all better now. You got treated with a restorative potion and were placed here to recover.

Neron found a seat at the edge of the room and brought it closer to my bedside. Seating on it, the young man stared at me keenly, as though trying to see right through my smiling expression.

A-ah, is that so? Thats a relief, then. Im sorry for the trouble I caused.

Oh, thats all right. Youre in the Academy, after all. Your safety is our top priority. His words sounded the moment I concluded mine.

H-how did it go? And why are you here? I decided to be straightforward in my approach.

It had been risky, but I took the chance anyway. Since I had clearly displayed my ability to contract with four Familiars while the staff watched, it was very possible that the secret of my multiple Mana Cores had been exposed.

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If that was the case, then

We examined you and found out nothing is wrong with your body, we could also sense the Familiars within you, though their energy signature is all mixed up. Maybe its due to the fact that no one has ever contracted that many Wisps at once Neron explained.

Ah, I see

It appeared I was worried for nothing.

Of course, it would be impossible for them to detect my multiple Mana Cores since no one had ever achieved it. In tandem, there was no device or appraiser that could detect something that hadnt been proven to exist yet.

A High-Class Appraisal Mage should be able to see right through me, but I dont think Ill need to worry about that for now.

Regardless, congratulations. Youve broken the record of Ainzlark Academys Familiar Ceremony.

Of course, usually, a person could only contract with one, this was absolute for students in their first years. Yet, I made four mine. It was expected that I would trump the record by far.

The highest record before yours was three contracted Familiars. You beat it by one. Thats an impressive feat.

What? Hold on someone other than me actually contracted with three Familiars? A first-year for that matter? Thats absurd!

I could no longer contain my shock, causing it to leak out of my face.

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Neron gave an amused smile, causing me to quickly regain my composure.

You seem surprised. Youre probably wondering how that is possible, uh? Its almost like you know the criteria for getting three Familiars, and how impossible it is but if thats the case, then how would you explain your situation?

I gulped.

He got me damn!

In any case, your situation is indeed rare, but not unprecedented. I came here to congratulate you, but also to officially record your Familiars since you passed out before we could do that. Neron causally trailed off the intense discussion we were having, much to my relief.


Please manifest your Bond Souls. Once I have confirmed their identities, you may retract them.

This was standard procedure, necessary for Ainzlark Academy students records. Every student had gone through this, allowing the institute to know of their prospects. Now, it was my turn.

Closing my eyes, I infused the Mana in my Cores, speaking to my Bonds to show themselves before my Lecturer.

I could feel them resonate within me, all speaking and chattering at once.

That human

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Hes strong!

Hes scary!

His Familiars are how many does he

Their words were all jumbled and mixed so I couldnt fully comprehend them. Still, upon soothing them with my calming Mana, they settled and agreed to the task.


Instantly, four bright lights surged from within me, revealing the Wisps I contracted with.

Hmm, its actually true. Seeing them up close now theyre very impressive. Four Will O Wisps, uh? And their elemental attributes are of the basic elements, how convenient.

Neron brought out a small note and a pen from within his breast pocket, writing some things down as he mumbled to himself.

Alright, thats about it. I should report this now that Ive confirmed your information. Neron stood from the chair and returned his stationaries to their previous position.

I watched as he moved toward the door, ready to turn the doorknob. There was a lot I wanted to say to him, but I had to be careful with my words. It wasnt certain whether I could trust this man or not, after all.

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