SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 148: Chapter 148 - Qualifying (Pt 2)


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The blast echoed across the arena, sending bursts of heat spreading at a rapid rate.

The wind Ana conjured fanned the flames of our adversaries, causing a massive explosion to appear.

Thanks to her exert control of Mana and the superior nature of her spell, the eruption was sent to the side of the enemy and we suffered no harm, save for the heat that seeped into our skin.

While it was a good outcome, decimating our opponents, there was one problem

Ana, you were supposed to leave three still standing! I protested, seeing all the students already on the floor with several burn marks on their bodies.

My voice became unintentionally loud since I was in a panic. It was uncertain what would happen if only two survived the Battle Royale, but I somehow had a feeling about what the verdict would be.

Now that we were the only two left standing, Ana and I had to brace for the worst.


Well, well, well looks like something unprecedented has occurred. Two, instead of five winners have emerged from the Lower Class Magic-Users of the First Years. Klaus remarked, smiling gleefully.

Ana and I got off the stage and returned to our seats, hearing as Klaus addressed our blunder.

As a result, the judges will use their discretion in reaching a conclusion on the matter. Up to you, seniors!

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The moderator now left the decision to the judges. I was still on the way to my seat when I noticed the attention placed on Ana and meit was different from the other eyes of the students that watched us with surprise.

This particular presence came from the elevated platform of the judges. I looked at them, halting, and waited to hear what they would say.

Well, since they have clearly shown their superior use of power in this round, its only fair that they have enough raw ability and proficient use of skill to qualify. Legris Damien remarked, smiling.

Of course, that would be his stance.

The problem is how to add up the three remaining students who are supposed to make up the five The one whose name I didnt know spoke.

Finally, Damien Lawcrofts lips curled up in a smile and he opened his mouth to remark. I concluded that from his malevolent expression, it couldnt be anything good.

Why dont the two of them represent their class? They have clearly proven themselves to be good enough. So, instead of five students from the Lower Class Magic Division, those two will challenge the others. How does that sound?

The moment he said this, the whole body of students within the hall gasped. I gave Damien a dirty look which he took in stride.

This guy he really wants to pull this move?

The implications of his suggestion simply meant that even if five students passed from the Middle Class and Upper Class, just me and Ana would be responsible for handling all of them. We would take on the responsibilities of the three missing on our end.

Hmm. That doesnt sound so bad. They do seem skillful enough. I accept. Legris smiled in support.

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My jaw nearly dropped in surprise.

You would betray me, Professor Legris? I screamed internally.

The final judge also nodded in concession, sealing the deal between the three of them.

The moderator turned in my direction and grinned energetically. Upon hearing their verdict, it was his duty to announce it.

The judges have made their decision! Jared Leonard and Anabelle Frederick will be representing their division in the upcoming matches!

Tsk I clicked my tongue and resumed climbing the flight of stairs in order to reach my seat.

I-Im sorry, Jared. Its my fault for overdoing it Anabelles soft voice came to me in a whisper.

I slowly turned to my sight and witnessed the guilty expression she wore on her face. Well, it was clearly her fault that we were now stuck in our current mess, but I had no right to blame her?

She was excited about manifesting what she had gone through so much to practice. Plus, I simply assumed that she had enough common sense to spare three students. From that start, I should have warned her, or saved three students with my own power.

Its fine. Besides, this doesnt change anything I smiled at the girl, rubbing my hand on her hair.

It was only possible since she was quite short. The look of embarrassment she had as she blushed in response to my gesture made it all worth it.

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Everyone around us witnessed what I did, giving her even greater mortification.

Consider this your punishment! I grinned gleefully.

This just means well be fighting in more matches than we had initially planned. But, so what? Were still going to win every single one!

My tone of confidence seemed to do the trick as Ana slowly got over her guilt, and the expression on her face changed.

Yeah. Youre right! She nodded with a determined smile.

With that resolved, we returned to our seats, only to see Edward rising from his. Our eyes connected, and I realized that it was his turn to go to the arena.

Show em what youve got! I grinned the moment our paths crossed.

I dont think theyll be able to handle it all. He nodded and returned the gesture of a smile.

Edward wasnt conceited or overconfident. He was simply stating facts. After tempering his body and technique, Neither I nor Ana had any doubt regarding his skills.

Ill be rooting for you, Ed!

Yeah! Watch me, guys.

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With our conversation concluded, Ana and I headed to our seats while Edward descended to the stage.

Once I sat and watched from our position, my eyes caught six Martial Artists, Edward included.

Looks like one decided not to participate how rare.

Well, it did not matter.

Having a blade in his hand, Edward gave a fierce gaze that reeked of battle. The other five all had respective weaponsfrom the spear to the staff, even stilettos.

The battle hadnt even started, yet all the contestants already had their eyes on Edward, and not in a good way. Just as how Ana and I were targeted, it would seem he was also going to experience the same.

Unfortunately for those who dared to challenge him, Edward was very strong.

Only one is meant to be left standing, and that is clearly going to be him!

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