SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 150: Chapter 150 - The Martial God (Pt

No problem! You can ask me whateverso long as it is in my power, I will do my best to comply! The boy answered with zero hesitation.

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This caused a smile to form on my face.

Making a fist on one hand and a flat palm on the other, I jammed both together and bowed to Edward. My face tightened, and all sense of playfulness left. This was a time of reverence and absolute respect.

Edward, for you to have been bestowed this inheritance, that could only mean you are now considered the successor of your familys legacy. As a result, I now stand before the head of this amazing Martial Arts School.

Both my comrades looked dazed by my sudden action. I wasnt known for my humility, even if I was calm. A noble bowing before one considered a commoner was unheard of. Plus, it was clear to everyone who the inferior one was among the both of usin all aspects! Yet, my head was hung low and my tone of reverence persisted.

Edward, I ask what is the name of your familys legacyyour Martial Arts School?

For a moment, there was silence.

The three of us stood, transfixed on our positionslike statues. It was uncomfortable, but I endured it and waited for a response.

It is called The Martial Blade God School He finally spoke.

The moment I heard its name, I had gotten the last piece of information I needed. A faint memory fell upon me as I remembered a word Gawain, the one known as the Sword God of the Eastern Empire, said one too many times.

~The real Martial God is not me but him. If you ever encounter someone from the Martial Blade God School, know this! They are far better than I am!~

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My grin widened even further. It was no wonder I was mesmerized by the Arts. It was the very same School that my close friend, Gawain, professed to be the strongest. With the successor of such techniques in front of me, I wasnt going to waste this chance.

Jared, will you stop bowing now? T-this is a little awkward Edward muttered in confusion, most likely feeling embarrassed by my grand gesture.

Y-yeah, Jared. Youre making us feel weird. Anabelle added, even though she had nothing to do with this.

Still, I wasnt done. There was one thing I had to do, as someone who practiced an inferior Martial Art and wanted to increase my capacity!

I ask of you, Edward Karl Leon please accept me into your Martial School! Make me a disciple of your Martial Arts, so I can also learn. That is my request!

Yet another gasp of shock excepted the moths of both my companions.

Edward was the successor of his clans Martial techniques. Certainly, he knew of the implications. He had the power to appoint disciples to pass down his techniques.

Also, a non-disciple would not be allowed to practice his familys inheritancea treasure meant to remain within the School.

That was why, even though I would be teaching Edward the method and patterns needed for him to master his familys arts, I couldnt learn it for myself not unless I resorted to this!

My eyes went up and I looked at Edward, expecting his answer.

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Once I did, my eyes met a smile on his face, no, a very large and optimistic grin.

Youre my friend, Jared! Plus, you also acknowledged my familys greatness and youre also willing to teach me how to fully utilize these techniques well! Theres no way I could refuse you!

Taking that as a yes, I raised my head completely and broke my pose.

Now smiling at Edward, I had mixed feelings. As much as I was grateful and incredibly joyous about the fact that I would be practicing such profound techniques, I also felt pity for the boy.

He probably still has no idea how amazing his Martial Arts techniques are. Even if I offer to do those things for you, the value of what youre giving me is even more

There was no need to tell him that, though. Once he delved deeper into his Martial Arts School, he would see for himself.

But, by then, it would be too late. I would have already learned all I could from itso, even if he wanted to revoke my access to his Arts, the knowledge would already be with me.

I dont think hell do that, though

Now grinning happily among one another, I kept my hands on both Anabelle and Edwards shoulders.

With the Inter-School Exchange two months away, I was going to build them into monsters among the other students. That would be my reward to them for being such sweethearts.

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[The Present]

Begin! Klaus shouted.

The students that had all swarmed about Edward began their crafty approach, intending to completely obliterate their foe from all areas.

Unfortunately, they made the wrong choice!

Edward gave a light smile and reached for the blunt, metal sword that he hung on his waist.

Tightly gripping the weapon, he closed his eyes and focused his mana.


Break his concentration!

He cant do anything against our combined front!

With their words hammering into the air, all five charged at Edwards single figure at the center. They were too late, though.

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9 Fundamental PreceptsFifth Form: BREAK!

Instantly, Edward swung his sword downward, no, he pierced it into the Arena ground, sending out a huge burst of mana mixed with an unimaginable pressure.


An explosion instantly erupted, shaking the very foundations of the stage and sending shivers down the spine of everyone who watched.

Screams of students filled the air, the very students who charged at Edward and were assured of their guaranteed victory. The audience was a little dazedconfused about what exactly was happening.

However, once the smoke cleared, they saw it with their eyes the state at which all the lone swordsmans enemies had been turned into.

The students were all on the ground, their disfigured bodies made it evident to everyone who watched that they must have had a forceful restructure down to their bones.

Even though the students were down, that wasnt the most surprising sight.

The moderator and even the judges, all looked at the peculiar occurrence and were in awe of the young boys exemplary display.

Throughout the Battle Royale of this season, none had achieved this great feat

The Arena ground had shattered!

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