SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 153: Chapter 153 - The Ones Called Gen

A Golem could simply be defined as a construct made of elements and bound together by Magic.

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Since Golems werent exactly living, they could be issued commands by their summoner. They also possessed a Magic core that kept their bodies intact. Once such a core was destroyed, the Golems ceased to be.

However, gaining access to the core could be said to be nearly impossible considering the offensive capabilities of a Golemespecially one of a High-Tier Intermediate Level.

The monstrosity roared as it seemingly glared at the opponent, the casual-looking boy. Clearly pouring their strength into the Golem, the five students gave their orders to their creation.

Crush him!

Heeding their command instantly, it charged, obviously causing more tremors to permeate the stage.

The heat that emerged from its flaming body caused no one to draw near as the giant launched itselfreadying a flame-coated fist to strike.

How drab A whisper danced in my ear, causing me to jerk in surprise.

The voice came from none other than the Golems target.

Thanks to the Enhancement Magic I cast on my body earlier, I could listen in to whatever conversation transpired on stage. Still, I wasnt expecting anyone to say those wordsespecially after seeing such a terrible creature charging with full speed.

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What will you do?! My lips formed a grin as I gazed at the golden-haired boy in expectation.

As though responding to my thoughts, the kid raised his hand slowly, pointing a finger in the direction of the fast-approaching Golem which was already atop him.

From his fingers came bursts of purple lighting, thin and sharp. The sizzle of the electricity was only for a moment, buzzing before it formed a straight line and lunged toward the chest of the Flame-Earth Golem.


In a flash, faster than the eyes could process, the line of purple lightning surged through the Golems body and exited from the other side.

Shock filled everyone as they watched the fiery construct halt its motion. The flames covering its body vanished instantly and the rock that formed its body slowly crumbled.

How it had happened was a mystery to everyone, but it was clear that the Golems core had been destroyed.


The earthen shell shattered apart and the debris scattered across the stage. In an instant, the product of five geniuses was thoroughly eliminated through an effortless display of another.

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The one who controlled the lightning still had his finger stretched, and yet another spark appeared.

Surrender, or youre next. He mumbled with disinterest.

I saw the five previously determined students shrink back in fear. Their eyes were filled with terror as they witnessed the same magic that ended their Golem manifest before them.

The electricity buzzed, signaling the end of its charge. If the boy so wished, he could launch it at any time.

So? What will it be? The glow of the lightning increased.

The students looked at each otherthey were most likely close friends. There was no need for words to be exchanged among one another. It was already pretty clear that they stood no chance.

W-we give up

Just like that, five out of eleven dropped out of the Battle Royaleall as a result of a single boy.

As I watched him return his hand to his pocket, my body quivered in an unexplainable excitement that seemed to drive me nuts.

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That tiny spark of lightning packed enough power to penetrate the defenses of a High-Tier Intermediate Golem amazing!

It was no mean feat for a single boy to one-shot such a constructyet, he did such a thing effortlessly.

This guy couldnt even be compared to the other geniuses gathered in the ring. I knew it within myself that the boy who smiled casually and had an air of ease, was most likely the strongest one among the Upper-Class studentsa Genius among geniuses!

It was no wonder why he didnt need to take the exams with us. His identity remained a mystery, the same as the source of his power. However, one thing was clear to me now

I want to fight with him!

Still, despite eliminating five students at once, six remained on stage. Apparently, one still needed to go.

I smiled, looking at the remaining contestants; Stefan Netherlore, Maria Helmsworth, Ivan Smith, Rias Lendertale, Polly Zetsarquil, and the mysterious new student.

Rias and Polly were the students who got fourth and sixth place in our Entrance exams respectively.

Since I memorized the names of all the promising students, I couldnt forget their faces. I was amazed by the sheer number of girls among the excellent students.

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Three of the contestants were girls while three were boysit was a contrast to the general belief that the male gender was more suited for Magic.

As I, and most assuredly everyone in the hall, awaited the results of the deadlock among the six students, the unexpected occurred.

I surrender. Someones hand was raised among the contestants.

It was Polly Zetsarquil, a bright-looking student that brought to mind amber and yellow radiance.

It was unexpected that she would give up now, especially since it was so late in the game. However, the moderator respected her wish despite the obvious dissatisfaction of the audience and escorted her off the stage.

I guess I cant compete with you guys Her voice trailed, and I sensed a hint of sadness in her tone.

My eyes darted to Rias and I noticed sadness locked in her eyes as well. Those two were most likely friends, perhaps even rivals.

Well, shes the weakest among everyone there its best if she gives up than end up in a world of hurtembarrassing herself in the process.

While others thought of giving up as cowardly, I wasnt so conceited. If a height was unattainable by a persons current capacity, it was best to stop trying at the venture. Instead, more focus should be made in an attempt to improve ones capacity so they could try at another time.

In the same vein, Pollys choice was correct. A smile formed on my face as I watched her give a stern expression while leaving the stage. In my heart, I knew she would be much stronger the next time the Exchange took place.

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