SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 210: Chapter 210 - Obsession

Ciara Epilson stood rigidly, staring at the body of a boy who was deep in sleep.

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Other than the gentle hand of hers that stroked his cheeks, and the curling up of her lustrous lips, the girl could have been mistaken for a statue.

Her eyes fervently, without blinking even once, trailed the boys body. She observed his even breaths, how his chest puffed and deflated as air seeped into them, how he had a peaceful face the sharp opposite of the pain that dwelled there.

You big dummy She finally uttered words.

Her voice was smooth, low, and hinted affection.

Despite the prideful and cold way she addressed Jerry in public, now that it was just the two of them well, just her she seemed awfully caring.

Her eyes showed pity, and something else hidden within.

You could have just given up. Though, I guess I should have seen this coming Ciaras voice trailed.

She sighed a bit in frustration.

You big idiot! The girl wanted to scream, but she couldnt as well disturb Jerrys sleep.

Ever since she knew him, Jerry had always been a determined fellow!

He had managed to seep into her icy, distrusting heart, and became her friend. Even now that they were apart, she couldnt help but smile in remembrance of their past how Jerry made her heart flutter many times. Things were different now, but

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Her hands stopped frolicking his chin and went further down, massaging his chest. She felt the boy breathe, how his heart beat. It seemed like the beats matched hers.

Just as she felt his heartbeat, Ciara began losing a grip of her self-control and her hands slowly began to sink further down, reaching his stomach, but still trailing down.

Her cheeks were red now, and her eyes sparkled in delightful anticipation. Her fingers were aiming for something.

Nng Jerry suddenly made a groan, snapping Ciara out of her slightly berserk state.

Ah, looks like I nearly lost it again She whispered with a playful look on her face.

The girl realized the implications of her attempted action, what would happen if she was caught, and she backed off. Her eyes still hungrily stared at his body, though.

Looks like this isnt the time or place Ciaras eyes slowly trailed past the boys bed and turned in the direction of the other guy in the room.

Before we continue I should take care of something real quick

With plucky footsteps, Ciara left Jerrys side and approached the boy who was carefully laid on the second, or rather first, bed.

The one who put Jerry in this sorry state was YOU

Ciaras eyes seemed to display something else now. Yes, her devotion to Jerry still remained, but it now warped into something more.

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Im a bit grateful to you if you didnt injure him this much, I probably wouldnt have had this chance to be with Jerry I would have had to use my usual methods and snuck into that filthy dorm of his Her voice was heading in a twisted direction.

His room isnt bad, and I do enjoy our time together, but I certainly like this atmosphere better

Though she said that, Ciara felt it would have been perfect if this particular person wasnt in the room. He was invading her private time with Jerry.

But, you went too far in your fight

The air in the room seemed to get heavier as her eyes were widening with a glint of passion.

You hurt him too much. No, the fact that you hurt him at all is enough

For that alone you deserve to be punished! Her mind rang.

A wide smile appeared on Ciaras face. Not the kind she had been displaying when beside Jerry, no, this was darker. It seemed like the expression of a mad woman!

Her bloodshot eyes screamed of rage, but it sharply contrasted her curved grin that showed something dangerous. Ciara cocked her head slightly, making her look like a doll of horror. The persona she now donned was fundamentally different from her usual self.

She only showed this form to those who had crossed her those who had committed the gravest sin.

You hurt MY Jerry!

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With that line of thought, a wave of Mana flickered from her and filled the surrounding area. She had just cast a Silence Spell, one that would prevent anyone from hearing even the loudest of noise emanating from the room.

Once the Spell was done, her total focus was now on the boy who lay on the bed, oblivious of what would be coming.

For that you should receive a little PUNISHMENT!

With this, her eyes widened even more, and a psychic wave was sent to the body of her target

Instantly, her target, Richard Novo, bulged open his eyes and widened his mouth to let out a deafening scream.


The scream would have been enough to send someone into shock, but, Ciara seemed just fine hearing it. In fact, she relished every moment of the boys pain.

She didnt even mind that his eyes nearly popped out his sockets and blood-like tears streamed down his cheeks. Drool fell from his mouth and mucus dripped from both openings of his nostrils.

Guarghhhhhhhhhhh!!! More screams filled the air.

You wont remember any of this since the mental strain will be too much to bear.


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Once this is over, youll never be the same, though. I wonder what trauma I should give you


Something to ensure you stay away from Jerry stay far away


Yes! Thats perfect! Ciara beamed upon deciding just what route to take in her mental punishment of the Ranker before her.

The boys distorted face turned uglier and uglier as he screamed even more.

Of course, Ciara wasnt bothered about his noise. No one outside the room could hear him, and even within the enclosed area, sound was limited to her and the agonizing boy.

Once she was meticulously done with Richard, Ciara would return to observe Jerry for as long as was permitted. She would watch him sleep, watch him dream and relish the fact that he endlessly thought of her.

That was the true identity of the girl known as Ciara Epilson

Haa, Jerry you truly are the only one for me.

A being afflicted with absolute obsession!

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