They all looked at me like I was crazy. No one had any intention of budging an inch from their location. At least Demons werent here yet.

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But even that was only a matter of time.

Those who want to remain can choose that optionI dont need useless worms with me, after all I said, staring at everyone intensely.

A word of warning, though. If you remain in this building youll die!

My tone was firm, hinting finality.

I can guarantee that, I muttered, turning my back on everyone as I began moving toward the stairs.

I felt no footsteps behind me. Only the rattling of flesh and the trembling associated with terror made their way to my ears. I sensed great unease and fear build up, but I didnt halt my movement until I reached the start of the stairs.

So, whos coming?


Everyone trailed behind me in a row of three, having straight files arranged behind one another. It was a coordinated formation, one that allowed for an orderly evacuation.

Silence pervaded our group as we stepped out of the Dorm compound, making our way to the first destinationthe Middle-Class Dorms.

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The reasons for that were simple.

Firstly, thinking based on short-term logic, it was probably smarter to remain in the Dorm. Sure, more Shadow Demons could come our way, but I could still somehow fend them off. The problem with that, however, was that other students would suffer casualties.

There were a few I was certain would be fine. Students like Kuzon and Ciara didnt need my worry. Others like Stefan had what it took to fight, but without the proper knowledge of their weaknesses, it would be very difficult for them to come out victorious.

After the war with the Demons, we didnt publicize the weak points of their race. That was one of the terms we had to agree with for peace.

Did I make the wrong choice then? No, I didnt! The fact that no incident occurred for over five hundred years since my death proved that the method was effective. Something else was in the works here and I planned on figuring it out.

In any case, the best shot we had in driving out the Demons and ensuring our collective safety was to gather as a bigger group and form a coalition. Sure, it made us easier targets, but Magic Users were more powerful when forming teams.

Besides, if we put up enough resistance, it could disrupt whatever objective they had in mind.

My goal is to completely eradicate these guys!

I couldnt let them roam around this Academy! Plus, it was imperative to find the mastermind behind the chaos. Sure, Demonic Mana wasnt infinite, but if we kept defeating these mere clones, we wouldnt be able to solve the root problems.

Fortunately, the clones were weak, so the summoner couldnt be very strong. My concern was their numbers there were too many of them!

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It makes me wonder if there is only one commander in charge here

In any case, I sent out two Automatons to scour the area before us. One would cover or front, and the other would focus on the rear. I ensured they stayed within a particular range from me, and also connected my Magic to them both.

Two windows appeared in front of me, displaying the scenery my Automaton Bats were viewing. Using them as surveillance, I could determine the optimal path to take and also notice any enemy ambush coming from the rear.

Of course, I was also using detection Magic, and my enhancements were activated.

Ill prefer avoiding combat as much as possible, but we cant be slow as well. The more time is wasted, the more lives could be lost among the students.

No Middle-Class Student could defeat a Shadow Demon at least none that I knew of. The Elites could manage, but without knowing their weaknesses, it would be very difficult. I had to hurry!

My eyes suddenly bulged as I saw several Shadow Demons approaching our location. They were similar to the ones I foughtno, identical! That meant it wouldnt be too much of a problem.

Keep moving! I commanded the students while leaving the group to quickly intercept the enemies.

It would be disadvantageous fighting them if I was surrounded by civilians.

I-I can help too!

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Let me join in as well!

Edward and Jerry offered with all their might, but I quickly shot them a dark glare, telling them to obey my instructions.


With my firm and slightly hostile tone, I dashed away at full speed.


Some would consider my actions insensitive, but it was far from it. This wasnt training. It wasnt a game. It wasnt a contest either.

This was a real battle!

And they couldnt handle it at least not yet.

Any little error will lead to a series of mistakes, and the whole thing could be ruined. I cant allow that!

That meant I had to fight alone, at least until we secured our first landmark.

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Mana sparked in my hands as I created a blade of light.


Plunging into the group, I used a vanishing stride, focusing on speed, to quickly lope off the limbs of my adversaries before they could react. They must not have expected such skill from someone like me since I heard shrieks o surprise.

Before they could do any more, though, I tightened my muscles and tore through their dark bodies, turning them to dust.

The moment I did so, the light sword in my hand vanished. Since it stood out so much, having the bright blade active for too long would only lead to a disadvantage.

The Lower-Class Students were cloaked with a Spellmy Spellbut it wasnt too difficult finding them. After rejoining the group, I took the lead, and we kept up our pace; moving as fast as the camouflage could allow.

I used an Intermediate Spell to hide them since an Advanced Spell would be a hassle. Intermediate Level was enough for our current enemies, plus I also had surveillance around. It would suffice.

If it came down to it, I would use SPELLCCRAFT to camouflage all of us, but it was best to save that for when we needed it.

We cleared several hurdles; I slew more enemies, and finally it came into view!

I can see it, the Middle-Class Dorm!

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