SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 235: Chapter 235 - The Cost Of Revival

My original purpose for erecting the barrier around the building wasnt for me to revive anyone.

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Frankly, the process too much time and energy. It also took a great toll on me, so even doing it once was my limit for now. Unless

I actually established the dome to prevent any dead souls from dissipating, so when the school was stable, the Academy could deploy the appropriate authorities to cast Resurrection Magic on the dead. I didnt expect to actually utilize it myself.

Well, there was a reason for doing so. It was because of the womans value.

She could prove useful!

Welcome back. I smiled at the bewildered young lady.

I-Im She muttered in a slight daze.

It seemed she was slowly regaining her memories. Within moments now, she would.


Her shout shook me, almost to the point of screaming myself. I sauntered back in shock, wondering what possessed her to take such a drastic change in tone.

Miss Aloe Vidaaaa!!! I heard two voices colliding.

From my line peripheral vision, I picked up two figuresgirlscoming our way. Turning my head more, I noticed they were the two who were cowering on the floor just moments ago.

Tears streamed down their face as they charged at the woman who was slowly sitting up.

G-Girls?! She seemed both surprised and relieved to see them.

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They collapsed and dived into her embrace, wailing like babies while I simply watched from where I satcompletely spent.

I should recover

I brought out a potion from my pocket and downed its contents, recovering my energy. Its effects were both immediate and continuous, so I would keep feeling more replenished until I regained an optimal state.

I didnt want to interrupt the touching reunion of the women, but we were short on time.

You guys, come in. I raised my voice, calling the boys I led to the premises.

Slowly but steadily, they trailed into the girls Dorm, looking extremely flustered. They were being babies, worrying about such a thing even in this dire situation. I watched as they observed the premises, taking note of the devastated surroundings.

The moment their eyes took in the corpse of the second woman, they went sober.

I ignored them and stood, drawing closer to the seated woman and her crying wards.

Miss Aloe Vida I began, making use of the name the girls called her.

She looked in my direction, appearing unsure of how she would address me.

I was the one who just revived you. I need to ask you a question, so answer as smartly as you can.

My tone no longer resembled a students, but carried the weight of a superior speaking to a subordinate. My hopes were that she would understand and play her part.

Y-you did that? The womanAloeseemed to doubt my claims and looked at her girls.

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They responded with nods, affirming my statements. They were witnesses, after all.

Even though none offered their thanks, I could tell that they were immensely grateful for my act. Perhaps their fear and relief drove the thought of gratitude from their minds. It wasnt like I required appreciation, though.

I prioritized relevance.

You can use Light Magic, cant you? Is that your natural affinity?

I narrowed my gaze, telling her I wanted an immediate answer.

Y-yes, thats correct. She quickly responds.

Its a good thing shes not dense.

Good. Then, youre useful. That was the whole point of resurrecting you. Im sorry to say, Miss, especially after you just died fulfilling your duty but

My eyes narrowed even more.

Your services are still required. You need to fulfill your duty as a Staff of Ainzlark. Do you understand?

I sounded rude, my tone was imposing; I was well aware. However

Those things, theyre vulnerable to light right?

Correct. I sharply replied.

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Which makes you indispensable to the plan. Now, can you stand?

Aloe Vida nodded, and then retracted herself from the two girls and rose to her feet.

Good. I take it youre prepared to do the needful?

She nodded.

Good, then. Ill be counting on you.

I have one question. She blurted out, seeming a bit hesitant.

What is it?

Those Demons the one who killed them was?

It was me. I also took the liberty of dispatching a lot of them on our way here. This campus is swarming with them. Its going to take a lot of effort and time to eradicate them all.

Those things what are they, really?

Theyre Shadow Demons. Ill explain more later. In the meantime, Ill need you to evacuate all the girls here. We need to leave this place and head to the next location in a hurry. I said, a bit impatient.

O-one last question, please.

I paused and awaited her query, though it was evident what she wanted to ask. After all, her eyes had been trailing in that direction since we began our conversation.

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C-can you revive her too?

Aloe Vida was referring to her colleague, the one that was practically a lump of meat on the floor.

No. I harshly gave my response.

She was in an impossible state. Even my Potions wouldnt restore the body to an optimal state; and without an appropriate vessel, I couldnt complete the process. Plus, even if there was a chance I didnt have the time and energy to spare on her.

Its too late for her now.

She was a liability.

If even one of the students died, I wouldnt bat an eyesave for a few.

The most I could do had already been done. The dense barrier around the dorm prevented souls from leaking out. That meant if the conditions allowed it, I could prep a body for revival and simply wait for this whole event to settle before the experts used their Magic to save the ones they could.

Even though an hour was the time limit for casting Resurrection Magic, the body in question needed to be in a perfect state.

Thats why preservation magic is often used on body minutes after deathin hopes of Revival

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