SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 239: Chapter 239 - Upper Class [Pt 2]

I should kill you guys off first

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With that, Kuzon used his Original Magic [Marionette], and in an instant, the Shadows were decimated altogether

Like sharp strings cutting through solid matter, the multiple sturdy wires made up of pure Mana swiftly killed the enemies at once.

Even though they had surrounded the compound, even though they werent lacking in numbers; in the face of trueoverwhelmingmight, faster than any Demon could respond to; they all perished and dissipated into dust.

Not even worth my time The golden-haired boy mumbled, looking on at the vast campus grounds.

From his position, Kuzon could see a lot. He could see that there were more shadows lurking around. The Academy had really been invaded.

This is bad I suppose

Only one person flashed in his mind the moment he wondered how many casualties would ensue if so many Demons attacked the other Dorms.

Jared Leonard I certainly hope youre doing alright.

A sad smile played on his face for a moment, and then he made up his mind. If Demons were invading, he simply had to drive them out.

Dont die! Kuzons final thoughts rang, and then he vanished into the Upper-Class Dorm building.


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Ciara Epilson hadnt gone to bed yet.


Because it was around this period that she took her occasional stroll down the campus and had her scheduled meeting with a special someone.

Most people wouldnt understand their complicated relationship, so Ciara didnt bother telling anyone about it. In fact, she rarely spoke to most people.

Well, there was a girl among the First Years who recently approached her and asked for some mentorship.

Maria Helmsworth, uh

Ciara had told the girl she would think about it, but she wasnt planning on being anyones watchdog. Well, except for one person

Jerry should be asleep by now She smiled playfully at herself as she watched herself in the mirror.

She knew the boy was fond of sleeping very late due to his intense traininghow cute it was that he was so desperately trying to catch up to her. He slept for short hours too.

Ciara wanted to scold him a bit for his unhealthy practices, but anytime she saw his determined face in bed, her anger melted away. The worry in her heart persisted, but it wasnt like Jerry would listen to her.

His stubbornness was also one of his most charming features.

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The young brunette observed herself in the mirror. She was elegant in her nightdress. Of course, this wasnt the usual pajamas normies donned when they went to bed.

It was a dark bodysuit that she personally made by pouring tons of mana into it. Not only was it enchanted with several properties which prevented detection, made her invisible, and gave her more fluid movementsthe black suit also perfectly accentuated her curves.

She was an epitome of both beauty and power, someone no one could even dare to imagine being with. And she belonged with Jerry.

Unfortunately, the object of her affection was too dense to notice anything.

Fortunately, though, his dense personality caused him not to get attracted to other girls. Ciara was at least grateful for that. The young, love-struck girl had no idea what she would do if her soulmate found himself trapped in another woman clutches.

It would probably be something unsavory.

I should go now. She gave one last beam at her reflection before gliding through her window.

The moment Ciara Epilson landed on the ground, though, she felt some strange figures approach her dorm.

The outfit she had on improved her senses to a phenomenal degree. That meant she could sense things that approached scores of meters away. If she tried, she could notice a presence about two hundred meters from her.

This feature had allowed her to evade surveillance countless times and prevented any encounter with the patrol officers. Being caught would cause problems, after all.

Fortunately, she had never been caught even once. There were close shaves though, but that made her expeditions all the more thrilling.

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Besides, if it was to see HER beloved Jerry, then the risks were worth it.

Back to topic, Ciara felt the strange presence of several weird beings. They didnt feel human and had some sort of murky nature shrouding them.

Ciara had never encountered these creatures before, but she deduced they were hostile based on the bloodlust they emitted. In only a few moments, they would close in on her location.

Are they after me, or?

Either way, if she sneaked away, all attention would be placed on the girls dorm.

Should I just skedaddle? A thought flashed in her mind.

She didnt want to miss her appointment with Jerry, after all.

The only problem was that these beings seemed dangeroustoo dangerous for most of the students within the Dorm. If they really had hostile intentions, then her juniors and seniors within the buildings could probably get severely hurt.

It wasnt really a problem to her, but it caused a fuss, they could find out that she had sneaked out. If that led to further investigations and her secret was found out, then

Arh! How annoying! Ill just take them on, then!

With that, she grouchily took to the air, ascending to great heights until she could see some shadowy figures around.

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So thats how they look like, uh? Creepy!

With her mind already resolved on killing the clearly dangerous monsters, Ciara chose the most efficient solution.

Original Magic!

[Phantom Link]

With her focus on the approaching Demons, the young girl sent invisible waves of energy flooding their area.

Instantly, she surged through themwell, their minds to be exactand completely severed any form of neural links they possessed.

Unknown to Ciara at the time, these were Shadow Demons and were copies of the original. As a result, they shared a neural link with one another as well as their source.

By using [Phantom Link], Magic that interferes with the mind, Ciara cut off their connection. This caused the Shadow Demons to instantly crumble to dust and fade away.

Just like that over a hundred of the Demons were wiped outnot that the Jerry-obsessed girl cared in the slightest.

Since thats out of the way, I should start going Ciara smiled and pink hue covered her cheeks.

With widened eyes and an obsessive grin, Ciara glided through the air and made for the dormitory of her soulmate.

Hihihihi here I come, Jerry!

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