SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 249: Chapter 249 - Prelude To The Coun

You say we should split into regiments and attack them from many angles, but wouldnt that reduce our firepower? A question was thrown at me.

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No. The Shadows are incredibly sensitive to the level of threat posed to them. The only reason they havent attacked this place is probably because theyre gathering enough forces to storm this building at once.

Once that occurred, we would have no choice but to remain on the defensive.

So, youre saying they want to exterminate us in one fell swoop? Garliad asked.

No. I doubt that.

Surprise permeated the room.

While that is a good possibility, I dont believe this is the most efficient way to do it. In the first place, many Demons are storming the Campus, but theyre spread out in different areas. If their goal was to kill us all, they would have sent more forces to our Dorms and wiped us out.

The Dorm Master gulped, and then muttered, Thats true

Their objective is simply to stall us, or kill us if necessary. They must have specified purposes located at several points in the Academy. Once you view the footage, youll understand.

I had taken the liberty of monitoring some recordings, but I hadnt gotten the full layout myself. Still, I could already tell the line by which things were going.

Theyre attacking important places, most likely to obtain things that can only be found in Ainzlark Academy. This invasion is too large scale to be for mere slaughter, and too small scale to be war. Its in-between. I retorted.

You mean like reconnaissance?! Garliad exclaimed.

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I nodded.

Tthen our information, technology, artifacts I see now The older man mumbled as he scratched his head.

The other students didnt seem to understand his seemingly incoherent mumblings.

What is it, Mister Garliad? Fabian asked, showing both curiosity and unease.

IIts preparation for a war!

WHAT?! Multiple students echoed out.

Theyre laying siege upon this place to gather information. If Im right, theyll strike specific places like the library, research buildings, and Forbidden Zones.

Of course, most of this was speculation, but the man was right on point.

Theres no doubt about it the Demons are starting something He murmured.

Well, I wouldnt go as far as to say that, but its probably best to let him think what he wants for now. I smiled wryly.

Bbut, if theyre attacking all those places, and at this period when were vulnerable, doesnt that mean

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Yes. We have a mole. Its most likely among the staff, but lets leave that for later. Our immediate priority is to get out of this situation. Of course, that means we cant let the enemy complete their objectives.

There was a stifling silence in the air, but I continued regardless.

If they do, we dont know what it could spell for the Eastern Empire. The war of so long ago required heroes to fight, but we dont have those now. If we take account of the consequences of letting them succeed, the casualties that could come from it could be devastating.

War was terrible!

People died, dropping to their graves like flies. It was a horrifying sight that I would rather not experienceat the very least I didnt want those I cared about to see the horrors of true battle.

That said, peace had made these people weak. Perhaps conflict served its purpose at the time. If the humans had kept increasing their military prowess rather than pursuing other paths in Magic, this wouldnt have occurred,

Then again, if all focus had been on military technology, a lot of Modern Magic wouldnt have been developed.

Peace and War had their results, but I would pick the former at any time.

Even if we have to risk our lives we must prevent the enemy from achieving their aim!

This was currently about more than just me. As a result, I couldnt shoulder everything alone. I would need to use these people well!

Bbur, even if you say that were no match for them Someones voice trailed.

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It was Roy Lesyriohead of the Elite Ten of his Class who spoke.

He wasnt wrong, but he wasnt entirely correct either.

In battle, the ones who emerge victorious arent always the ones with the most powerful forces.

If that were not the case, there would be no way Humans could have survived for so long in the war between the Demons.

Using your strategy, you wanted to enlist only the elite among us to fight, but that isnt good enough. My plan involves everyone present. We all have roles to play.

The stronger ones would strike the locations that were saturated with more Demons, while the weaker ones would fight against the fewer ones lurking around.

Of course, I planned to provide Potions and Automatons to each group to increase efficiency and their chances of survival. Also, at least one fairly powerful member had to be present in every teampreferably someone who could use Light Magic.

I went on to explain the weaknesses of the Demons to my audience, using my encounters with them to answer their questions as to how I knew so much.

Since I was the one responsible for saving four out of six dormitories, no one could object to my explanations.

The most troublesome matter is finding the Lecturers Meeting Hall. I finally addressed the biggest issue.

While it wasnt going to be too hard to do so if I used Spellcraftin fact, I had an inkling of how to easily spot itthe problem was what awaited me after that.

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The location will b heavily guarded. There will be many forces concentrated in that location since that is the advantage they have over us, as well as their only weakness. I further explained.

Since our forces were still too limited, we probably only be able to send a few people to that area, of which I would need to be among.

Only I can use Spellcraft to detect them but should I really have others with me?

Most of the students would be burdens to me. The only helpful ones were going to be needed in more saturated ones.

That means I have to go alone, then My thoughts trailed.

This must have been what the enemy was after. It was clearly a trapsomething to reel me in for an execution.

I had no idea how strong the enemys forces were however

They also dont know what Im capable of.

Ultimately, this was one large game between me and whoever the mastermind was and all the students and demons who were fighting were merely pawns.

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