SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 259: 259 Striving For Victory [Pt 1]

Edward, Ana, and Aloe were the only members of their group.

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As an elite, small unit, they covertly reached their target destination with some degree of ease.

Of the nine groups that were allocated tasks, their team had the fourth largest load. While it was not comparable to the first three, it was still way higher than what the others were expected to do.

Many would ponder how students in their first years would be able to handle such responsibility, but Jared had already put all those factors into consideration.

According to his explanation, they would have close to no major problems handling their mission.

Also, since their designation was the farthest from the Middle-Class Dorm, a small team needed to undertake it.

While it was still doubtful to many people if it was best to give First Years that rolewouldnt it be better if a few Rankers were assigned instead?no one questioned their leaders rationale.

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The Rankers are needed to direct the students. For better coherence, its best to have them serve as unit leaders rather than placing them in an entirely separate unit.

Sure, Rankers were qualified for the role, but Ana and Edward werent qualified for the roles of the Rankers.

They had no leadership qualities and were merely First Years.

Very few would actually trust them and obey them as was needed. It was an emergency, but human nature couldnt be so easily changed..

To prevent friction, Jared simply chose the safest route.

Besides, the three had no reason to fear. Not only had Jared given them the appropriate gear needed, but they also had three Automatonsthe most out of all other teams.

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Finally, Aloe Vida was with them!

She was a staff who was currently the most powerful of the Dorm Masters present.

Not only was she specialized in Light Magic, but thanks to Jareds intervention in her death, she was phenomenally more powerful than before.

Miss Aloe Vida had skipped so many Core Grades and was now in the 8th Levelthe Silver Core Stage.

She was just a step away from being a Gold Core Grade.

If anyone had asked how this was possible, even she would be unable to respond. She was a mere Orange Core Grade before her death, after all.

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Still, that was plenty strong for someone of her age.

For her to have reached a Silver Core Gradea realm of expert Mages who could perform Original Magicwas nothing short of a miracle.

With this newfound power, Aloe was confident that she could be of more use in battle. She had to!

Her life was lost, yet she was given a second chance. She intended to do her part and fight her hardest.

There was one major issue, though.

While Aloe Vidas Mana Core Grade had risen, her skill and knowledge hadnt.

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She couldnt use Advanced Spells at will. She could perform one, but it took too long. As a result, she relied mostly on intermediate Spells.

Even now, with her abundance of Mana, she had no choice but to rely on her existent knowledge.

I have one Trump Card, though Aloe smiled as they neared their destination.

A Spell that was an exception to the ranking system.

If I use that with the current Mana I have in stock, then I should be able to be even more useful!



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