SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 262: 262 Reunion After Centuries [Pt 2

The Celestial War!

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It was a battle that unified the races of the world.

A call to arms against a common foeThe Demons

Humans. Thieranthropes. Elves. Faires. Dwarves.

These five races gathered and bore the same banner with the single goal of exterminating the Demons who were a scourge on the world. Of course, this ended on a bitter note and both sides suffered severely.

Ultimately, a consensus was needed, and a Pact was formed.

The Demons needed sustenance. That was the whole reason they started the war. Once that was satisfied, negotiations became possible.

An entire patch of land was given to themnow dubbed the Demon Realmsituated in the North, formerly the Northern Empire. The Demons would stay there with the rest of their kind, having an abundance of Miasma to sustain them rather than taking the corrupt Souls of other races.

In exchange for peace, the other raceshumanity includedsealed all the information they could about them. And then, just like a miracle, the world slowly forgot about the Demons.

Of course, there was a condition.

Should the pact be broken all hell would break lose again. And the already ignorant humans would be granted knowledge over the fatal flaws of the Demon Race.

This was only an auxiliary measure, thoughsome sort of attachment..

The deal was mutually beneficial to all races so no one expected any form of action. And so, centuries elapsed without any sort of clash.

Yet that all changed with this invasion!


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I quickly controlled myself before exclaiming louder than I did. It seemed like the Shadow Demon in front of me had noticed my surprise, but he chose to ignore it instead.

Now, answer me, human how do you know our tongue? He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

My mind went into overload as he asked meno, even beforethat question.

There were a bunch of things I could say or do, but at this juncture, I was too confused and annoyed to play along any longer.

Nothing good would come out of wasting time.

The Academy was under siege. My comrades were risking their lives. I needed to fulfill my mission and rescue the teachersfast! That was all that mattered.

That was all I needed to focus on.

Why Kahn chose to betray the pact was none of my immediate concern. The fact that he was here and possessed obvious malicious intents was enough.

In essence, he was my enemy!

Kahn I am going to kill you! I gave my declaration.

The Shadow Demon gave me a surprised look, and then, as expected he burst out laughing.


His cracked and sharpened mouth gave out cackles of amused laughs and I simply let him enjoy his brief moment of satisfaction.

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Youre quite an amusing brat. To think you would say it so bluntly. I suppose you do have a point, though we ought to fight with the intent to kill as our motivation.

The Shadow Demon went on to speak.

I can simply collect more information on your ability to understand our language in this Academys library

You wont find anything there, though. After all, I only knew this much because of my past life.

Besides, I suppose youre in a hurry to inform your Lecturers about the Invasion. Hehe, its just like that man said.

That man, uh? He must mean the mastermind

I would have loved to interrogate Kahn some more, but I couldnt afford to risk things. Especially since the Demon in front of me didnt mind wasting any valuable time.

We had opposing interests!

Ah, you must also be aware, then of the various Versions of myself that I sent to those important areas Hehehe I have to admit, I didnt think I would have to resort to that.

WHAT?! My thoughts nearly leaked out but I managed to control them.

This was bad!

Very bad!

I never expected a Demon Lord Rank Demon to show up here. Since there were only weak Shadows, and I knew Kahn wasnt the type to launch such an elaborateor even anyinvasion, my mind placed the worst-case scenario as a confrontation with Demon General.

This was an oversight!

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Kahn, as a Demon Lord, had an ability only he could useat least with what I knew. He could split himself into multiple copies. While his maximum number was ten, each version would have a certain percentage of Kahns abilities.

I shuddered at the thought of a group encountering even five percent of this horrifying creature.

Oh? So, you know what I mean by versions. I knew you humans couldnt be trusted. You still held on to our information even children like you know

Kahn seemed to be misunderstanding something, but now wasnt the time to correct him. In fact, I couldnt afford any more conversation.

There was only one thing that was necessaryespecially now that I knew of his other selves running around Campus.

Gritting my teeth, I poured out all the Mana at my disposal. Nothing less would suffice.

All five Mana Cores of mine went into overdrive and I felt my body being enveloped with energy.

Usually, I would utilize Spellcraft in this situation, but the Miasma that shrouded our vicinity had completely rendered that technique of mine useless.

In essence, I was at a disadvantage.

A Twelve-Year-Old student versus a Demon Lord! How laughable was that?

The chances of victory were Nil.

My opponent was too strong. I knew that myself. Plus, with his other selves running around Campus, the plan was as good as screwed.

My promise to those students ended up being a lie.

However, now was no time to despair, or to feel the weight of the lives of all those who would die as a result of placing their trust in me.

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Now was the time for action.

I was told to kill you by that man. Initially, I was puzzled by how he was able to sell out this place for a single life. However, now I understand. You are indeed a very exemplary being.

I didnt listen to his conceited compliments and simply focused on my task.

[0) But, know this human. You can not beat me.

Oh, really?

I quite remember being told that I was unable to do many things in my past and even present life. The only difference between the two was that I betrayed all expectations in the latter.


It was because of Magic!

Magic makes the impossible possiblethats the whole point!

And so I was going to show this DemonKahna miracle.

How a mere child would beat a Demon Lord!

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