Neron told me everything.

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He explained how he was able to arrive on campus despite having to investigate a massacre occurring in the remote regions of the Eastern Kingdom.

The Magic Barrier that surrounded the Academys Secret Hallwhere all the Lecturers were holed upwas linked to him.

The moment it got destroyed thanks to my Spell, he instantly realized something was off and made his way back. Of course, after hearing this, a sensible question popped up in my mind.

How were you able to get here so quickly?

Much to my frustration, Neron didnt answer that inquisition.

Was it Space Magic? Did it have something to do with Original Magic? I always knew he was fast, but how was he able to arrive so quickly? It seemed almost unrealno, it probably was.

Back to topic, Neron told me what happened after I fell unconscious. After killing Kahn, the Lecturers came out of the Hall and he explained the Invasion to them. The incident required a long meeting, but considering the situation of the Academythe state of the students, and also the confusion among the Lecturersthe meeting was postponed.

Of course, a state of emergency was enacted in Ainzlark, and no one was to leave their respective premisesnot even the Lecturers.

The only ones granted free access were Neron and the Vice Head..

According to Neron, Imperial Mages were being dispatched from the Capital, along with a Grand Mage, due to how serious the incident was.

I was surprised.

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Only a total of three Grand Mages existed in the Eastern Kingdom. One was the Head of Ainzlark Academy. The second was the Imperial Court Mage, and the final one was the General of the Imperial Forces.

The current whereabouts of the Head of Ainzlark Academy were a mystery, so the Vice Head ran the institute instead. It was no wonder things got messed up as a result of the abrupt change in the system.

Until they arrive, this institute is on lockdown, Neron told me.

Those in the know must have already realized that there was a mole in Ainzlark. The only way to fish them out was for the Grand Mage of the Kingdom to show up. Once they arrived, the situation would be resolved.

I asked Neron why he couldnt just act on his own, but even I knew better than to raise the question.

It has become a national matter, and since the Capital is involved, the matter has gone out of my hands. Besides

A dark gleam appeared in Nerons eyes.

I already have a good idea who the culprit is.

Oh? So him too, uh? My mind rang and I began to smile slowly.

Are you sure you should be telling me this?

Oh, please Im sure you must have a good idea too. Besides, even if you dont I believe you would have figured it out by now.

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He wasnt a man I respected for nothing. As expected of Neron.

Well, theres really nothing we can do about it since the Capital has decided to handle matters with their Jurisdiction powers

I understood Law to a considerable extentthough politics wasnt particularly my forte. Still, considering how deep this issue had festered, I had to let out something that ate at me.

Can they be trusted?

Nerons eyes narrowed and our intense expressions sank into the other.

No. I dont think so. Regardless, it doesnt matter at this point. Our opponent knows what hes doing. The fact that they were able to orchestrate an Invasion of this scale meant they could also foresee an outcome where success wasnt achieved.

True the mastermind must have predicted this

They must have figured out a way out of this situation. So, theres not much we can do but wait

What do you think their objective is? I asked Neron after hearing his take on the matter.

It was surprising how well we conversed, despite our gap in age and status. I suppose Neron must have gotten the gist of all that happened during the Shadows invasionhow I calmly handled everything and gave a strategy that would have been flawless if not for Kahns unprecedented presence.

Adding the fact that I pulled off a Peak Level Spell, the highest kind that all Magesexcept maybe the Grand Magescould pull off.

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Even Grand Mages needed a great amount of timeor more than one personto achieve a realm of Magic that exceeded the Peak Level.

Putting all those into consideration, it was obvious Neron wouldnt consider me a regular student.

Hm the enemy, uh? If I had to say its

Nerons sharp gaze pierced me. His look was so intense that even before he opened his lips to speak I already knew what would be said.

You. Their objective is youthough I dont know why

So, he knows!

That must have been why he didnt bother praisingor consolingme. He realized the enemy was after me and surmised that I was experiencing guilt for dragging the students of Ainzlark into the whole mess.

How did you find out? I gave a tired smile, not even willing to hide a thing.

At this point, Neron felt more like a friend I could open my heart to. I wasnt sure if he felt the same, but that didnt matter for now.

It wasnt too difficult, really. Everything has been revolving around you lately. Plus, considering your capabilities and the identity of the culprit, it became even easier to connect the dots

As expected of him

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I see My mumble faded into silence.

Once again, no one spoke. Finally, the man seated before me asked an unexpected question.

So, what will you do now?

My eyes widened and I looked at his curious, yet calm, expression.

Neron had just told me about the lockdown situation, as well as the Kingdoms interference with the investigation procedures. Even if I wanted to take action, I shouldnt have been able to do anything


Yet, he was asking. And he was serious!

Common sense told me to be quiet about the whole thing; that it didnt concern himor anyone for that matter.

But, I had found a place within me to trust Neron. So I revealed it to him my objective.

Im going to face the culprit and kill him

Nerons face remained unfazed. He must have expected this much. However I wasnt finished yet!

After that, Im going to drop out of Ainzlark Academy Im leaving the Eastern Kingdom.

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