SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 285: 285 Final Flash

I had the opportunity of interacting with Arcanas before.

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While I didnt have any Magic back thensince I was IneptI was able to understand the fundamental structure and code associated with the items.

Of course, it was only surface-level knowledge.

What I researched was not the Magic in the Arcanas, but the items themselves. The ones I saw had the form of cards, and they had vein-like circuits embedded in them.

It was a mystery how such small things could hold phenomenal powers, so I gave myself to research.

I wasnt able to complete the project, but it was enough to figure out the fundamental rule of storing Magic in these items.

When I started attending Ainzlark, and then found the Oasis, I figured it would be good to try something like thatas a last resort.

And so, I pumped lots of Mana into the thing, reinforced it by condensing the materials used to manufacture the item, and made a gradual assimilation process.

If I was too fast, the project would fail.

That was why I had to be patient until it was complete.

Unfortunately, Kahn attacked before I was able to finalize the project, so I couldnt use it. However, now that it was complete I could use whatever Spell I had embedded into it through the codes and circuits within.

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For this particular card, there were three codes..

One was the barrier that currently surrounded Legris Damien.

To think you duplicated an Arcana you Legris was grinning like a maniac now.

Now my interest has just skyrocketed! What kind of person are you? In just twelve years of life!!!

I wasnt anything special.

If I didnt have my friends and family guiding me along the way, I wouldnt have gone very farespecially in my past life.

The reason I so vehemently researched the Arcanas was simple. These were devices with phenomenal Magic stored within themthe Ultimate Items!

If I could understand the concept and workings of the Arcanas, and make the Mana supply self-sufficient and independent of its user, then even an Inept would be able to use Magic!

That was my driving forcemy goal.

Unfortunately, I never arrived at the end of it in my past life.

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Even now, without my ability to use Magic, I wouldnt have come this far. However I finally achieved thisthis device in my hands.

All the Mana and Spell circuits are already embedded within. In essence, all I have to do is activate it and then it works.

In essence, even an Inept could use this!

With this device, I have surpassed my past selfin a sense!

What kind of Magic will you use? Is it the same as what you used against Kahn? A Peak-Level Magic Spell? Hahaha! Did you think I wouldnt have prepared for something of that caliber?

As Legris Damien laughed, I also smiled.

It was true that he could have prepared for my best move against Kahn, but I didnt plan on being so cheap.

[Grand Blitz] was a technique I used because Kahn was a Shadow Demon I retorted.

It was only common sense that I would utilize the most efficient Spell while considering my enemy.

What I have prepared for you is a little different

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No matter the humanno matter the powerthere was a weakness we all shared our mortal bodies.

Did you know that the human body is made up of 70 percent water? Also, tiny particles of water exist all around us. We call it moisture

I knew it was best to end things quickly, but I was curious.

What kind of expression will you make?


Suddenly, Legris Damien collapsed on his knees and coughed out blood.

His bloodshot eyes were confused, and his quivering body begged for answers. The man was experiencing a symptom he must have known quite well.

Mmana Shock?!

I nodded.

Hehehe Hhow..?

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Theres no merit in telling you, but

Consider this a reward for telling me so much intel. The last time, I used a Mana Shock Inducing solution in the form of a liquid substance. But now

It was gaseous!

The poison was all around Legrislike moisture wafting in the air.

Sly bastard Keke so, I was played uh?

Dont pretend. You must have figured out a way to deal with Mana Shock already. Thats not how I plan on killing you. Still, its a good way to weaken your body.

Legris Damien had layers of magical defense on him.

While I was sure that my Spell was very powerful, I needed to be a hundred percent certain that it would completely kill him. To achieve that end, I first induced Mana Shock to get rid of all his defensesat least, until he recovered.

Now that youre down lets start phase three my Spell!

The main treat for todayand a personal favorite of mine


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