SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 288: 288 Perfect Match

These two were the Eastern Kingdoms most unpredictable top guns and they just happened to converge in a single location.

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Hey, Neron what the hell is this? This power is enough to level this entire Academyno, itll most likely spill over and take a chunk of the city as well. Serah said with a curious gaze on the conspicuous Pilar of light that stood before them.

She then eyed Neron suspiciously.

Hey, it wasnt me!

Who, then? I dont think anyone else here is capable of doing something like this

Well, youre half right. The guy who did this is no longer here. He left.

And you let him?

Of course! It was his choice. Plus, its not like he did any harm

Neron and Serah were smiling at each other and talking so casually as if the subject wasnt a serious matter that could claim so many lives.

Who is he, then? An enemy?

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Nah. A student!

Huh? A student?

Yep! Hes my protg. Hehehehe.

What? You have a protg?

Yep! Got one recently.

And he did this?

Yeah! Hes quite something, uh? We could never do something like that when we were younger..

Its hard to believe, but you wouldnt lie about this.

Its the truth, though. That guy is one special kid.

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Oh? You never speak highly of another person.

I speak highly of your chest.


Right, right well hes someone I owe a great deal to, after all. Thanks to his help I can get even stronger!

Ehh? Stronger? You?

Yeah. You just watch!

Both man and woman smiled at each othertheir eyes now burning with rivalry.

I wont lose, you know?

Hehehe, looking forward to it.

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And then something sparked in the mind of Serah Crimson.

Whats the name of the kid?

In response, Nerons smile grew wide and he swelled in pride.

He had never felt this way about any child before, but he was indeed happy to have been the Master of the boy.

His name is Jared Leonard

Serahs eyes widened a bit. She recognized the last name.

And youll meet him soon enough.

They both smiled, clearly pleased by Nerons statement.

Oh? Then I look forward to that!

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The dark-haired man and the lady of crimson smiled passionately at each other. For a second, it was like the world was still and only the two of them existed.

Their faces were so close, merely inches from each other. At this distance, it was possible

Serahs red eyes brimmed with passion and desire, and she noticed Nerons eyes had a lit flame of emotion within them too.

Was it finally time? She could sense it! This time for sure.!!!


Bringing her face closer to Nerons in a blur, she went for a kiss.

No pain, no gain!

She had waited so long, and now he was finally ready!

They were ready for their first time!!!

Not a chance.


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