SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 298: 298 Gathering Of Leaders

Cephas promptly returned to the fort and did everything as he was instructed.

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This time, it wasnt simply because the one who instructed him was a stronger being, but also due to his identity.

He was Jared Leonard!

Jared was the grandson and master of the retired Lord of this Region. He was also the nephew of the current Lord. Plus, Lord Alphonse was the man in charge of the fort at the border, so that made this visitor more akin to royalty.

Cephas promptly told the servants what had been said, ordered the workers to prepare a lovely meal and decent accommodation for their guestno, for family!

Since this was a coastal region, fish and several other kinds of seafood were the major delicacies, but that didnt mean they were short on other materials.

Make everything perfect!

Cephas wasnt certain he would go this far for even the prince of the Kingdom, but after hearing all the praises of Jared from his master, also hearing of the same boys exploits from his kid in the Academy, and then witnessing the boys power for himself Cephas was filled with awe.

He had thought his Master and everyone else were slightly exaggerating, but it turned out that they were right. Jared Leonard was exceptional.

I wonder if Master Alphonse will arrive to meet his grandson here?!

Thanks to the Demon beasts attack, they had sent a Message to the Lord of their RegionAlphonses second sonusing a Magic Tool for communication. It was a message to warn the Lord and also request support.

Of course, they also tried reaching out to Alphonse, but it seemed the old man forgot his Magic Communication Tool.

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Magic Items were very rare and expensive, but for a Fort like this, and for many other regions, they were necessaryespecially Communication Tools.

Alphonse was pretty careless, but even he must have understood the implication of not taking his Magic Tool. Did that mean he too was attacked, or?

Cephas shook off those thoughts and simply prepared a proper welcome for their guest and saviorJared Leonard.


Imagine my surprise finding out that Alphonse was the leader around here!

It was initially baffling how they revered me, but after finding out the reason things made more sense.

I had returned to the fort later in the eveningafter surveying the entire coastal region for any potential threats and doing a bit of personal investigation.

Before then, though, I resurrected the three guys who died as a result of the Demon Beasts attack. They were also surprised by my presence and profusely thanked me for saving them.

I accepted their wholesome gratitude and told the three to report back to the base.

I made it sound official, but it was just to get them off my back.

The members of the fort must have been shocked to see the previously dead people return unscathed, because when I arrived in the evening, they were all bowing and waiting at the entrance.

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Im not a royal, though and this isnt even my territory

I mean, sure, I was related to the one in charge and was strong enough to demand reverence. But receiving something like this was just unnecessarily uncomfortable.

Of course, since I understood their sentiments, I bore with it and didnt let it show on my calm face.

I was taken to the meeting rooma large conference hall most likely used for highly strategic conversations.

A smile formed on my face as I noticed somethingAlphonses portrait with me and my mother when I was still under his tutelage.

The broad smile on our faces sent nostalgia coursing through me, but I controlled myself. I also spotted something else in the room, causing me to smile faintly.

So, thats how it is

It wouldnt be a problem for me, so I simply snapped my fingers and then faced the group of people that stood behind me as I observed the room.

So, the key figures of the Fort are here, then?

Yeah. Everyone except Lord Alphonse.

I nodded upon hearing Cephas reply.

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Envoys from the Lords estate will be arriving shortly.

Did you not tell them that help was no longer necessary?

Yes, I did. But, by the time I sent the message, they had dispatched their troops.

Communication devices were rare, so it was common sense that the mobilized army didnt have any device that could have been used to reach them.

We have also run out of flares, so Cephas voice trailed as he addressed me.

He was most likely embarrassed by the incompetence of the Fort, but I didnt hold it against him. Why would I?

Alphonse was at the helm, so he was the one who had to be held accountable.

Its too bad I wont be sticking around very long before he arrives.

You may all be seated, I told the distinguished menand womanshowing them the seats that were neatly arranged around the rectangular desk.

They bowed and sat. Once they did, I proceeded to have my position at the seat of honorfacing all the older men and women who looked at me.

None of their faces showed discomfort, which meant that Cephas must have emphasized my status and power to them.

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Knowing Alphonses personality, he could have bragged about me once or twice

In any case, they understood their place and mine, making things easier for me.

Thanks for setting up this meeting, Cephas. I turned to my side to look at the man who stood a bit behind my chair.

He was most likely taking up his retainer/bodyguard position to raise my prestige. I appreciated the thought, but wouldnt it be better if he sat as well?

Its nothing, sir! He responded quickly and firmly.

This guy

I understood a bit about the general personality of Martial Artists, but this was not something I would tolerate now.

Ivan was even included in the meeting since Alphonse gave him a position of leadership over the resting graduates of Ainzlark whom I saved.

And hes seated! Theres no way Im allowing you to stand, Cephas!

While it would take a bit more time to convince this man to join the others in his seat, it was necessary.

Once that was settled, the meeting would begin in earnest.

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