SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 308: 308 Departure For Ainzlark

Once the emotional outbursts were finished, Anabelle and I began conversing normally.

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We discussed at length, talking about my adventures during the three years I was absent, as well as how she coped in my absence. I intentionally omitted certain parts of my adventureespecially my stay in the hideout I made with my friends back in the day.

Thats the most important part of my journey, but she doesnt need to know about it

Anabelle listened to my stories with amazementespecially hearing how many amazing beasts I encounteredas well as a great deal of the world I explored. Based on her reactions, it was obvious that she was never able to travel the world since she was restricted by her noble status and responsibility.

Despite her wild personality, Anabelle is actually an epitome of nobility

At least, to the public. During our conversations, though, she never filtered her speech.

Occasionally, words like

Youre just like your father!


I was so lonely! Is this how youll treat your woman once you have one?

Came up.

Of course, I indulged the womans wrath, laughing heartily as she spoke. This helped ease the atmosphere, and so, it didnt take us very long to return to our usual flow.

Father spent more time in the Capital as a result of his serious duties to the Kingdom. There were only four Dukes, after all. That made his role indispensable.

Plus, it seemed my intervention in Ainzlark Academy raised his reputation by a lotadvancing our Leonard Household status even further.

Since my mom did a bit of investigating after I vanished, and even kept close tabs on Ainzlark Academy after I left, I was able to get some information from her.

One of the things that stood out was the departure of specific students from Ainzlark.

Apparently, a while after I leftin intervalstwo other students dropped out of the institute.

Initially, I didnt think that was strange. After all, many parents would want to withdraw their wards from the school after the Demonic Disturbance was made public.

However, Anabelle further explained that the ones who left werent taken away by their parents. Since she was pretty high-up in nobility, her connections wouldnt lie. It was strange that two students simply left the instituteand were still at large.

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I was even more surprised once I heard their names.

Stefan Netherlore, and

Kuzon Midas!

Just what could have caused those two to leave?

Ill find out once I get to the Academy

There were a few things I wanted to learn and achieve, so this was simply going into the list.

We furthered our conversation, had lunch, and then enjoyed a walk in the garden together.

As we engaged in these seemingly meaningless activities, my rational side chided me. Thoughts like

This is a waste of time!

The situation is urgent!

Cant you do this later?

Afflicted me.

However, I didnt give in to any of them.

This was something I didnt plan on rushing.

Ive done more than enough, and I plan on doing even more. This amount of selfishness is permitted!

Anabelle seemed surprised that I was spending so long with her, but since she didnt complain, I took it that she was enjoying the company.

She raised the issue of Liliana, and how they discovered her identity after a magical autopsy.

I raised the issue of Alphonse, and how his territory was under attack. Of course, the part where I saved everyone was carefully accentuated.

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We laughed.

We spoke.

We even danced.

I enjoyed every moment of our time together.

Evening came, and we had a light dinner and mild tea.

We enjoyed the fresh breeze on the verandah.

More talks followed.

It felt so blissful, like I was in a fantasy.

War and carnage were going to follow soon enough, but even this wasnt too bad.


Every second spent with the one you love is bliss. That was something I seemed to have forgotten ever since I reincarnated.

After all I too had people whom I cherished in my past life.

I had comrades.

I had a family.

And I had that special woman who stole my heart

I wonder

Nostalgic memories rushed in as the day neared its end. It was clear that I would be spending the night in the manor. I was ecstatic about the fact.

After so long Ill be sleeping in a proper bed, eh?

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Drunk on happiness, I couldnt wait to be shown my room

If only things were that simple!




Yep, thats right!

My mother wanted mea fifteen-year-old boyto share her bed.

I know loneliness is terrible, but isnt there a limit to everything?!

However, I should have known that logic wouldnt work when dealing with this woman.

In her innocence, she was asking someone who was already over two hundred years oldif I calculated all the time I spent in the worldto sleep beside her on the same bed?!

My mother was very attractivehardly looking her agefor some reason. Perhaps it was thanks to the noble cosmetics and treatment she received, or her sheltered life. She was simply fair to behold.

And then she had those two melons on her chest.

I had only filial thoughts toward Anabelle, but it was still very uncomfortable to do something like this. It almost felt like desecration.

To cut the long story short I ended up doing as she wanted.

To think my perfect day would be ruined by such a night.

As I feared, she squeezed me like a body pillow when we sleptprobably ensuring I wouldnt slip away when she wasnt aware. Once more, Anabelles insane grip amazed me.

My teenage bodys hormones ran wild, but the miracles of Magic worked wonders. I was able to keep my body in check until the next day.

Fortunately, my mantra

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Think of it as training! Think of it as training! Think of it as training! Think of it as training!

Didnt fail me.


I guess Ill see you at the Capital My mom mumbled as she pouted.

Yyeah I gave an awkward smile.

We were both standing in the courtyard of the Manor.

Once dawn had arrived, I quickly sprang into action and prepared for my departure.

It seemed Anabelle wanted to spend more time with me, but I couldnt help it any longer.


It seemed she got the hint and finally decided to let me go.

Yeah. You better make it there within three days else you might not be able to see me.

Wwait, that wasnt the agreement!

Looking at my moms flustered face was such a treatthe perfect picture before I departed.


With those words, I ascended to the air and flew off in a hurry.


Laughing amusedly and wholeheartedly, I watched her figureand the entire Manorshrink in size. The wind brushed my whole body as I moved in the direction I wanted.

Building up Mana to increase my speed

Alright, then lets get back to business!

I vanished into the sky.


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