SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 317: 317 A Girl's Thoughts

Why is Jared acting like this? Ana thought to herself.

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Her emotions were still a mix, and she was very unsure of how she really felt.

The boy before her was her first lovesomeone who had saved her from her childish delusions. She owed a great deal to him, and even her emotions were tied too tightly to his person.

However, he abandoned her.

Jared didnt know how distraught she had been once he left. His decision impacted many people who were close to himbut did any suffer as much as she did? She had feelings for him, after all.

Though he had left behind instructions and means to carry them out, Ana didnt have any strength to do anything without him around.

Edward wholly concentrated on making himself more powerful, and her other friends suddenly got too busy.

She had never felt so alone amid company.


There was one person who was always there for her.


Kuzon didnt train all day. He was actually always free. And before she knew it, Anabelle began to converse more and more with him.

They shared fun moments together, and the hurt emotions she had for Jared slowly transformed into something beautiful toward Kuzon.

And then on the final day of their First Year in Ainzlark Academy the both of them kissed!

He kissed me first!

Feelings of guilt had rushed into Anas heartespecially since she still had vestiges of feelings for Jared. However, she couldnt deny the warmth within her once their lips connected.

That was how they had parted ways as First Years.

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Throughout the break, Ana kept thinking of itof him!

Even as she practiced and studied, she never stopped.

The thought of seeing Kuzon again brought her great joy!

She worked extra hard on her Magic, and focused on all that Kuzon had taught her during their time together. Mixing both his and Jareds teachings, she was able to make phenomenal progress.

And so, by the time she resumed as a Second Year, Anabelles growth could not be compared to the past.

Unfortunately, the one she wanted to see the most was nowhere to be found.

Kuzon dropped out!

The heartbreak she received from that was so devastating that even now, she had the habit of rubbing her lips anytime her heart skipped a bitor simply freeze completely.

To prevent any further distractions, Anabelle closed her heart and just focused on her research and growth as a Scholar-Mage. She refused to lose sight of her goalto surpass Lewis Griffith!

She was able to come so far because of that single goal pushing her.

Loneliness crept in at times, but Ana remained strong.

Unfortunately once again her defenses were shattered when Jared appeared once again.

He had grown so much since she last saw him.

He was much more handsome, taller, and charming.

The intense shock made her freeze up, and her heart beat at a terribly fast rate. She didnt know what to say or do.

It was at this point that memories of Kuzon also appeared in her head. She felt guilty for having feelings for both of themnot certain why.

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Even as they conversed, Ana couldnt completely shake off her guilt and complicated emotions.

Finally, after an internal debate, Ana decided to tell Jared about what she had been keeping from him.

The Kiss!

His reaction was more than she had bargained for.

Unacceptable! Was what he said.

Does that mean he is jealous?

Unsure of how to best interpret his obvious disapproval, Ana settled for that thought.

Does that mean he likes me? Should I ask him?

NO! She shook her head.

Fear of rejection, or even worseacceptancesurged through her. If he turned out not to be interested, her heart would once again be brokenmost likely beyond recovery.

However, if he actually felt the same as her, then what of Kuzon? She had already kissed him and sealed their promise, right?

Could she really betray him?

What if Kuzon returns someday, just like Jared?

Would she be able to live with herself if he met her in a relationship with someone else?

ARGH! This is too confusing!

Her bright blue eyes stared at Jared, who was gritting his teeth in obvious frustration. She also felt bad for him, and her feelings couldnt bear to see him so hurt.

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Then maybe?

If Jared was to prove himself to be more dependable than he was in the past. If he finally took an active position and chased her, then she could consider being with him.

YES! Ill give him another chance!

If Kuzon appeared too, she would use the same criteria. Whoever was able to win in this game of love would have her heart.

A smile appeared on her face and her confusion dissipated.

Suddenly, Ana felt better than she had in years.

I cant wait to see how this ends.

She adored the blond boys face one more time, waiting for his answer.

Whats your next move now, Jared?


I cant believe this!

While I was busting my ass practicing and training for the greater good, this girl and even Kuzon were busy goofing off in romance?

That was unacceptable!!!

How dare these little ones begin kissing at such an early age?

Did they have no common sense?

War was looming, and I gave them specific instructions to get stronger before I returned. Yet they were busy doing childish nonsense?

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Well, I suppose its normal for their age

Ana was only just fifteen. Teenage romance and petty feelings were bound to pop up eventually.

That Kuzon bastard he should have known better

The worst part about this whole thing was that Kuzon abandoned Ainzlark Academy and didnt take full responsibility for his actions. Why were the Midas denizens such scumbags?

Or was he a player?

I had so many thoughts of dissatisfactionalmost as a father would have when his daughter was goofing off with the wrong boy at a premature age.

I have been nurturing this girl no one can take her until shes ready!

Fuming as I made these thoughts, I grabbed Ana by the shoulder and drew close to her.

Eeep! I heard a sound come from her.

Ill take that incident as a mistake

Its a good thing Ana fessed up. At least she knows what she did was wrong!

Please dont do it again!

Anas face was red, most likely due to her guilt. She nodded while staring into my eyes, showing me that she had learned her lesson.

Whew! That went well.

With this, my little Ana would be focused on the more important things!

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