SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 338: 338 Final Option

The Mage, whose name I eventually knew to be Derick, used a Floating board to rush toward the headquarters of the security division in order to make his report.

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He asked if I needed one, but I chose a Fight Spell instead.

We both swiftly moved to the headquarters, and I was finally able to achieve a portion of my goals.

Meeting the one in charge!


We bypassed the many buildings within the Capital, giving me a nice view of the entire place.

The landscape was so beautifulneatly arranged in rows.

The buildings were also luxuriously made. Of course, not every house was extremely pleasant to the sight, but they were all relatively better than the average construction.

The street lights illuminated the dark streets, but no one was within sight.

There has been a curfew imposed, ever since The man whispered.

I noticed he hesitated to say any more, so I didnt push the issue.

It must be due to the fact that the Demons have begun attacking the borders

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The envoys of Alphonses territory should have already arrived at the Royal Capital and given their reports.

I was certain that my letter and research subject had been well received by the Royal Capital.

While they must have been busy trying to keep everything as confidential as possible, they most likely neglected the main security of the Royal Capital itself, causing the guards to be quite weak and few in number.

Considering the fact that the enemy will strike other territories first, its actually wiser to dedicate their forces somewhere else

As I observed the Royal Capital from my height, I spotted the center of the marvelous city.

A towering building stood erectlike a monolith.

Thanks to my enhanced vision, I could see it clearly.

It was the Royal Palacemy primary destination.

But, first, I had to gain a considerable amount of weight. Which was why I chose this route.

Derick and I got to the headquarters in a short while, landing on the highly fortified grounds of the area.

The Headquarters of the citys defense forcesa place that contained the bulk of the Kingdoms capable soldiershad both Martial Artists and Mages who were trained for combat.

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It was located close to the Royal Palace, near the center of the whole Capital.

Four garrison positions were scattered at the cardinal points of the city.

The Headquarters was simply the brain behind their operations, as well as the area where a majority of the troops were gathered.

I saw many mobilized members of the Capitals forcesmost likely prepared to deal with the monster that attacked not long ago.

Derick had already spoken to them via a Communication Magic Tool, so they were no longer in a hurry to launch a counter at whatever was assaulting the Capital.

Theyre simply on standby, uh?

The troops greeted Derick and me with a bow. We responded and made our way to a building that seemed to stand out among the rest.

The security personnel that guarded the building were different from the others we came across.

From their Magic gear to the level of power they possessed, I could tell that they were in a separate class.

This is the office of my superior Derick muttered as we got even closer to the large door that was guarded by two exceptional individuals.

The leader of the Imperial Guards?

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Derick looked at me with surprise when I said that. Was I wrong?

No way! Someone like that!!!

Derick was already looking flustered, as though meeting the one I spoke of was inconceivable.

If I can gain access to the head of the Imperial Guards, then I can have a big backer to support my actions in the Palace.

Especially considering adversaries like the Serah Crimson that Neron mentioned.

My superior is the Vice Head of the Citys Guards. Theres no way I can meet someone so high-up. Derick informed me.

Ah, I see how it is

I had made quite the blunder.

Of course, a mere unit leader wouldnt be able to get me the connection I required.

It would have to pass through certain individuals before finally reaching the Head of the Imperial Guards.

Whatever I sighed.

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Ill be on my way now. There are a few people I know in the city. I would like to check up on them.

Derick seemed surprised by my words. Why wouldnt he be?

I had already expressed interest in meeting his superior, but, now I wasnt so hot about the prospect.

Itll take too long

Why did I even bother with the whole theatrics? This had been a waste of time.

Ill just stick to the original plan

Farewell. Make sure to report everything you experienced to your superior. The other guards of the city should serve as good witnesses.

Derick was still processing my words when I lifted off from the ground and flew into the night sky.



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