SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 340: 340 Father And Son

Im guessing you know that I was the one who saved everyone there.

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He nodded.

The King received your letter, and the researchers are currently dissecting the Demon Beasts that you captured for us. Without exaggerating, Ill say your contributions will be very instrumental in the coming crisis.

I could sense a glow of pride in his words. My fathers tired eyes brimmed with satisfaction.

Unlike my doting mother, he didnt bother bawling or complaining about my absence. Our mature conversation was evidence that he no longer saw me as a child.

That makes things easier

Anabelle also contacted me through a Magic Communication Tool. You went to visit the Manor, didnt you? That was a good choice.

He probably knew how much my mom suffered thanks to my absence.

In his way, Damien most likely tried to comfort her. However, there was a limit he could do with the matters he had on his plate.

Just as he didnt criticize me for my actions, I didnt intend on doing the same for him.

She will be arriving in a few hours, so you should be able to see her soon.

Looks like Ana will make it in time, after all

I also visited Ainzlark Academy. My allies there are aiding me in something that would also prove valuable to the conflict. I said, diverting from the topic of family.

His eyes sparked with interest.

Something I should know about?

No. At least, not yet. But

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This was the major reason I decided to come here.

I need to speak to the King as soon as possible.

As expected, my fathers brow furrowed slightly.

Since he didnt frown, that meant it wasnt entirely impossible. However, that didnt make it a simple matter.

I got a hold of your letter. Since Im in charge of administration, I understand what you wrote there. The King himself would like to meet you as well, since youve done the Kingdom a great deed already.

But? I asked internally.

However, the Council is a different matter entirely. Many of them view your sudden appearance with suspicion, and itll take some time before we can finalize a meeting date. My father sighed.

Even if an invasion could occur at any moment?

He nodded.

Thats how bothersome aristocratic matters are. Still, its not like we have to stick by the rules, especially since an assault just occurred at our front doors.

He knows about that already? How fast is his information network? My mind raced with slight surprise.

I assume it had something to do with you? Was it an attempt to quicken the process? If so, that was a good move.

I was amazed by his deductive skills as well. He wasnt my father, and the head of administrative affairs, for nothing.

Yes. The Council members who are hesitant for a meeting will have no choice, at this point.

Even if they were suspicious, nothing bothered a noble more than personal safety. Once they realized that danger was befalling their premises, the Council Members would have no problems hearing what I had to say.

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There are two Grand Mages in the Capital, but if a battle should occur here, theres no telling the damage that will be wrought. Thats probably what theyre scared of.

Members of the Council were of high nobility. They even had Royal blood.

That was why they could seat in the Royal Palace and govern the decisions that could be made, alongside the King.

It wasnt an absolute rule dictated by the King. However, since he still had absolute power in a sense, he could veto their decisions.

The problem was that the Council Members had a deeper connection to the Kingdoms Nobles.

If the King stood against them too much, he would be picking a fight with the Nobles. For a better Kingdom and easier administration, it was better to avoid that.

Ah, politics is so complicated

It was no wonder I never bothered about it in the past.

I was trying my best to better understand it, but I wasnt exactly an expert in the field. Fortunately, I had a father who was pretty much a political pillar.

If I could leverage our connection, it would be the best way to get what I wanted.

How soon can a meeting be set up?

Upon hearing my question, my father stoked his beard and looked to the ground for a few seconds.

After that, he sharply stared at me.

How dire is the situation?

His voice sounded grave.

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Depending on the intensity of our current predicament, he would pull out some cards that he wouldnt normally use.

That showed a great deal of the trust he had in me.

Its extremely unfavorable. The Demons have the upper hand in terms of information and power. If we want to turn the tables, we have to act quickly.

Damien Leonard Alphonse Sereth sighed and nodded upon hearing my comment.

Then Ill set up a meeting tonight!

My eyes bulged the moment he spoke.

That soon?!

Even with his numerous connections, I didnt expect him to have such authority.

I should have just leveraged on him from the start!

This was why I sucked at politics.

Itll be hard to convince the Council, but after the earlier attack, theyll be willing to cooperate. As for the King and Queen, theyll be easier to convince, especially since we can pressure the Council.

I was liking my father more and more.

For a proper meeting, well need important stakeholders, especially since thats what your letter indicated.


I didnt only need Nobles and Royals in attendance. While they were the decision-makers, they were completely useless when it came to taking actual action.

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The Head of the Research Division.

The Head of the Imperial Forces.

The Grand Mages.

The Head Warriors.

I needed as many powerful individuals to be in attendance.

That way, after the meeting, I could take action immediately.

I have a direct connection with the Crimson Household. Theyre also a Ducal Family, so itll be much faster if I employ their aid. They also owe me a big favor.

My father continued mentioning the numerous strings he could pull, making me in greater awe of his capabilities.

By the time we were done, I realized that in only a few hours, a meeting could be set up.

I dont know what exactly you have in mind, but you are my son, Jared. Ill trust you!

Those words were concise and terribly short, but

I understand. I wont let you down!

They meant a lot to me!

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