SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 346: 346 Unexpected Interruption

Hypothetically, if we are to implement your plan for an Alliance what would be necessary?

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My eyes gleamed with delight and my lips curled up in a smile as I heard the Kings words.

Yes! It worked!

I had thought some of them would find something needless to nitpick, but it turned out that I was worried for nothing.

First, we need a proper letter that fully encapsulates an intention to form an Alliance addressed to each Race.

The Alliance Letters contents would differ for each of our potential partners.

The important details would simply need to be spelled out andfor some of themthe respective merits they would enjoy by the Alliance.

After that, a proper envoy needs to represent the Eastern Kingdom.

A team consisting of not more than five individuals, including me, would suffice.

Of course, a member of the Royal Family was crucial, as well as someone very strongif possible, a Grand Mage.

That was why I asked to call for capable individuals.

If we selected the cream of the crop, leaving enough of a framework behind for the Eastern Kingdom, the plan would proceed smoothly.

I see King Albion murmured as he heard my suggestions.

To be honest, I had the people I wanted in mind. However, I didnt want to impose on the King.

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As long as he followed my guidelines and the barest minimum was fulfilled, I had no problem with the rest.

But, based on what Ive observed so far

I understand, Jared Leonard. Then, who would you recommend?

As I expected, he wanted to hear my opinion. No, it wasnt just him.

Everyone in the Royal Court had their eyes on me. They were waiting for my choice!

Perfect! This is going better than expected! O smiled, ready to begin concluding my business at the Royal Capital.

Since we needed to leave very soon, it wouldnt take very long for everything to be finalized.

After all the tension, the whole thing was finally coming to an end!

In my opinion, if would be

My eyes bulged wide open and I paused. Something was coming something big!

Before I could say anything or react, the entrance doors of the Royal Court were flung open


And someone unimaginably loud, as well as unruly, entered our midst.

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I turned back and glared at the person who had to show up at such a critical juncturenot even minding the common courtesy that I painstakingly had to adhere to.

The intruder was a woman!

Her red hair and matching red eyes were the first thing that caught my attention.

No, that was a lie.

Her well-endowed chest drew my eyes to them first before I averted my gaze and looked at her face.

She had an attractive look and an extremely fierce gaze. It was enough to send shivers down my spine.

Who the hell is this?! My mind rang as I stared in silence.

The people gathered in the room were equally quiet.

Judging the fact that no guard was making an attempt to halt her movement, and no one was complaining about her presence, I surmised that they all knew her

And that she was someone important.


Im pretty sure I invited the important figures. Some were absent, but its not like its our fault that anyone is late

Perhaps it was because of the current progress I had made with the king, but I was feeling quite confident.

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So confident to the point of forgetting something extremely important.

Jared My father drew closer to me and brought his mouth close to my ear.

He most likely wanted to fill me in on the rude womans identity, so I made sure to completely listen.

Thats Serah Crimson

Eh? My eyes bulged in surprise.

Grand Mage of the Eastern Kingdom!

My mind felt like exploding once my fathers words completely registered.

You mean shes?!

The woman that Neron warned me about.

The same person whom he said was stronger than him.

That Serah Crimson?!

I gulped and stiffened up instantly. The satisfaction that had built up thanks to everything going my way was beginning to dissipate.

My well-earned confidence was nowhere to be found.

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As I stared at her with both shock and fear, her crimson eyes met mine.

Eeek! I shivered instantly.

The heat within her pupils was enough to swallow me whole.

It could have just been my imagination, or the presumption built in my mind by Nerons words, but I felt like a fierce beast had locked its gaze upon me.

Who the hell is this kid? She said with a slightly surprised tone.

Nope! Shes human, after all!

Thankfully, her eyes didnt pay me much mind. I was simply an object of passing interest.

Neron told me he spoke to her about me, so its best if I keep a low profile and observe, at least for the time being

Ah, Thats Jared Leonard. He was the proprietor of this meeting.

My face sharply turned to the King who said those words.

Damn! Why did you?!


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