SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 357: 357 Struggle Of The Elves [Pt 1]

Freya was conflicted.

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As she watched her hometown burn in fiery purple flames, she couldnt do anything but watch.

Even as she was clad in her silver armor, and her white hair fluttered with the wind.

She bit her lip in anger and frustration.

Evil Demons Was all she could mutter.

The cliff she stood on was far enough that the Beasts could not hear her, and her voice wasnt loud enough to agitate anyone.

This was simply the spite she carried within herself.

The Elf Kingdoms Eastern Border had fallen prey to an onslaught of Demons.

An approximate amount of three hundred had struck them, rendering their flimsy defenses obsolete.

Unlike the Humans and Dwarves, Elves were not very keen on technology and Magic engineering.

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They believed in the free Gift of nature.

And so, while they excelled well at Potions and Alchemy, they were never able to fully master the aggressive natures of Magic.

But, even with that, their race had a higher affinity for the arts compared to any othercoming second only to the Fairies.

Elemental Magic was their forte, and many Elves had attained a level of utilizing Original Magic, and Mana Field.

Yet, none could fight back against the horde of Demons for one specific reason.

Racial Weakness!

Miasma was extremely harmful to the genes of the Elves.

Being exposed to pure Mana had its advantages. Longevity and youthful exuberance was a free gift of nature, given to the Elves thanks to their direct interaction with positive Energy.

Their high affinity for Magic was also a result of this.

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But, alongside those advantages came a critical consequence.

The Elves were very weak against Miasma.

Their bodies nearly gave out if they so much as got a whiff of it, and exposure to the energy for ten minutes would kill an Elf.

No, if the Miasma was strong enough, five minutes would be plenty to live.

That was why their efforts to defeat the Demon Beasts had been utterly crushed.

In the end, the beings of nature could only resort to the second optioncontaining the threat.

They had erected barricades with Earth Magic, and strengthened the structures with Mana.

It took the combined efforts of all the Elf Soldiers to achieve this result.

Yet they were barely able to keep up the defense.

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As Miasma ate through their Mana defense, they had to keep supplying energy to maintain the barrier.

Still, how much longer would they be able to last?

At their current rate, not much longer!

When will reinforcements come? Freya murmured, once again staring at the horde of Demon Beasts.

They seemed to be up to something, but she didnt take their movements too much into consideration.

No matter what they did, the barrier would hold.

The problem was what would happen once the Elves ran out of Mana.

As for her question on backup, Freya knew it was useless to ask.

It would take about three days, at least, for the Elf Capita to dispatch the appropriate level of reinforcements to handle the threat facing them.

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In fact, perhaps she was being too optimistic.

Still, hope was the only thing she could give herself in such a situation.

Even though she had been the one managing security on the Eastern Border, Freya had failed her mission woefully.

As a result, countless of her people suffered casualties.

Powerlessness and frustration.

Those two emotions could only be sated by the feeling of hope that help would soon arrive.



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