SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 361: 361 Diplomacy [Pt 1]

Visitors, I once again thank you for your mighty efforts in subduing our enemies.

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Freya was seated opposite meno, all of us.

A desk separated her from us, and an empty chair was placed directly facing her. Our group stood behind the chair.

Thats for our representative, no doubt. I observed silently.

Behind her were six Elves who served as her guards. One, in particular, looked slightly different, having a more distinguished armor.

Shes most likely the deputy. I thought.

They were most likely organized in order to match our numbers. That made the members on both sides seven eacha total of fourteen.

I could sense their hesitation and skepticism despite how well they tried to hide it.

After saving Freya from the Demon Beasts and purifying the area, her guards arrived at the site.

They were initially wary of us, but Freya told them to back down and even treat us with absolute courtesy.

As strangers in Elven land, it wouldnt be strange if we were suspected or handled roughly.

However, considering the fact that we had just saved them from definite destruction, the Elves had enough common sense to be polite to us.

It wasnt just out of goodwill, but also cautionmaybe a hint of fear.

If they can defeat those monstrosities, and disperse that thick cluster of Miasma, how powerful are they?

The Elves must have been thinking that way.

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I also apologize for the unsightly state you found me back then. Freya continued.

Her tone and expression were completely different from back then. At this moment, she indeed looked like genuine Royalty.

I smiled slightly and seized the initiative.

It couldnt be helped, Princess. We also apologize for our abrupt visit. A bow accompanied my words.

I saw Freya smile a bit upon seeing my gesture. Nothing gave Elves a better impression of another than their etiquette.

Even if I was a human, my regard toward her and her people had earned me quite a high level of favorability. That much I was sure of!

Thank you for your understanding. Apologies for my rudeness, but since this is a matter involving our two nations, I ask that your representative have a seat.

As I expected.

My smile widened, and I didnt move a single muscle.

That would be me, then.

Fabian stepped forward from our composed row, and he flashed his royal smile at our Elf audience.

Hm? Forgive my mistake. I thought your representative would be Freya turned in my direction.

Ngh! Fabian stifled an angry groan.

I nearly broke into a laugh, but I controlled myself. This was an important meeting between two sides of Royalty.

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Lets stay out of it

Apologies for the confusion. I am a member of our Kingdoms Envoy. Our representative is none other than the man before you, Fabian Lestrome Indiavel. He is a member of RoyaltyPrince and third son of His Majesty, King Albion Lestrome Indiavel himself. Still sticking to my polite speech, I did Damien Lawcrofts job and introduced our leader.

Hmm, I see, Freya whispered, stealing a glance at Fabian.

Indeed. As representatives of our respective Kingdoms, let us have a good discourse. The idiot Prince flashed yet another smile.

The other members of our team, as well as the Elves, were completely silent.

We all had to give reverence to Royalty.

Then, please have your seat.

With Freyas permission, Fabian sat down and drew Damien closer to himselfsame as how Freya had her deputy close by.

The rest of us were a considerable distance off.

Now, then shall we begin this meeting?


We certainly discussedif it could be called thatabout a lot of things.

First was our motive for coming to the Elf kingdom unannounced, and the fact that they had not sensed our arrival since we came using Teleportation Magic.

Fabian did his best to answer properly, and his etiquette was considerably good.

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When it came to Eastern Kingdom standards, he was impeccable.

His confidence and diplomacy were commendable. I had to admit, I was no match for his skills with words.

Unfortunately, he made one fundamental error.

Hes speaking to Freya as a fellow delegate as an equal.

Elf standards werent so simple.

For humans, who had a great deal of pride and ego, when two representatives met, both sides would try as much as possible not to appear weak.

This is to ensure that the other side didnt look down on their Kingdom or have a condescending opinion.

Using this logic, Fabian spoke with quite a good amount of confidence and pride.

After all, he was a Prince speaking to a Princess.

Thats not how it should go

Elves already had their immutable opinions on humans.

While they werent completely discriminatory, their racist qualities ran deep.

Just as how humans couldnt help seeing cattle or monkeys as what they were, Elves had their strict opinion of humans.

Of course, it wasnt as extreme as comparing us to animals, but we were still pretty inferior to themin terms of culture and society.

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Fabian didnt know this, so he ran his mouth without restraint.

He doesnt notice how rigid her ears have become, and how they twitch at some moments

It wasnt just Freya, the other Elves also showed such signs.

That showed just how annoyed they were at Fabian.

If I didnt step in soon, perhaps things would turn out even worse. Which was why

Princess, I truly apologize for the brazen speech of our representative, as well as his lack of consideration in the tone he used. As we are only human, I hope you forgive us for this mistake.

As expected, the mood quickly switched.

I accept your apology, Jared Leonard. Are you truly certain that you are not the actual representative?

Her actions were rude to Fabian, a Royal in his own right, at best. But, who was I to judge?

I also quite enjoyed his flushed face as he stared at me with a What the hell are you doing?! look in his eyes.

No, not at all Princess. I wouldnt be so rude as to lie to someone of your person.

Understood. Then, I will keep your words in mind as we further our conversation.

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