SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 369: 369 A Demon's Strategy

H-how? This is sooner than expected. Zenkiel growled, staring at the report before him.

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According to what was written there, the forces of Demon Beasts sent to the Elf Kingdom had all been vanquished.

Not an ounce of Miasma could also be sensed in their territory.

Whats happening? This shouldnt have been resolved yet.

While the report hadnt mentioned the details concerning the incidentlike how it had occurred or who the perpetrators werebasic facts like the utter annihilation of their Demon Beasts, as well as the dispersal of Miasma, were mentioned.

It was incredibly worrisome, to say the least.

Zenkiel had also heard of how the Eastern Kingdom was also able to eliminate the Demon Beast threat sooner than expected. Both their opponents were more troublesome than expected.

As a prime General, as well as an extremely intelligent Demon, the Lord was beginning to question his initial assertion of their opponents.

Underestimating ones targets was a fatal move, but the same could also be said concerning overestimating them.

According to the information he received from Blanc and her agents spread across the Eastern Kingdom, it was very obvious that the humans werent major threats to them.

In fact, most of them were utterly mediocre.

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Appropriate countermeasures had been placed for the few who could stand up to them, so they were no problem either.

Still, it was quite upsetting that the Elves were also betraying his expectations.

The Whites hadnt been able to invade the Elf territories thanks to their opponents troublesome discerning abilities.

The intensity and purity of Mana there also prevented them from keeping a low profile while there.

That was why the probe attack had been to determine the Elf Kingdoms level of power.

The initial results had been satisfactory, but the sudden destruction of Demon Beasts made Zenkiel worried.

What should I do? He murmured, gritting his teeth.

He needed more information, that was for sure.

I should launch another probe attack on both parties, Zenkiel murmured.

The only way to get accurate reports was to experience them personally.

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While he couldnt leave his position, due to several reasons, he had several trustworthy servants who could serve as his eyes and ears.

Yes. I should send four of my Nine Stars. If they each lead an army of one thousand Demon Beasts, and launch assaults and multiple places at once, Ill be able to gain more intel.

Allocating two of his direct subordinates to the Eastern Kingdom, and two to the Elf Kingdom was the best step to employ.

Ill make sure they attack separate spots so I can get more information Zenkiels thoughts were in overdrive.

Now, all he had to do was acquire the pawns for the task from Kyronthe Demon Lord in charge of their Beasts.

While Demon Beasts were disposable soldiers, conscripting four thousand of them out of the blue wasnt exactly a simple matter.

However, as Commander-In-Chief of the Demon Army, he was allowed this much leeway.

Ill just draft an order for him or should I see him in person?

As Zenkiel pondered on his options, the image of Kyron appeared in his mind.

If he was being frank with himself, the Vert Demon Lord didnt really like Kyrons personality. He had tried to get rid of this bias, but nothing worked.

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It always seems like hes planning something ominous Zenkiel murmured.

He despised people with conniving personalities the most. They werent loyal, and their selfish actions often destabilized the much larger group.

Perhaps Kyron was different and he was just being paranoid. But, Zenkiels instincts kept telling him he was right.

Which was why he was hesitant to visit his colleague in person.

However, after considering it for a bit, the Commander-In-Chief decided that a direct request would be much faster.

After all, they didnt have much time left.

Huu I better resolve this quickly.

For the greater good of the Demon Realm, and also for his King, Abellion, Zenkiel steeled himself for his decision.


The light around me flashed, and everything became blurry as we all warped.

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As the scenery changed, a smile formed on my face as I swiftly replayed the expected incidents that would soon occur.

After Kahn informed me of the current ranks of Demon Lords, and I knew Zenkiel was now among them, it became a near-certain win for me.

I knew his Superiors methods inside and out, and Zenkiel was bound to follow the same route.

Everything that had happened so far was exactly as I predicted, which meant the next move would also fall within expectations.

Zenkiel must be getting worked-up from the Denise of the Demon Beasts. Knowing him, hell want to swiftly correct his mistake.

To do that, he would need to acquire dispensable tools to test the waters and re-determine the level of threat both the Elves and humans posed against the Demon Army.

If I was right, he would launch simultaneous attacks on the Eastern and Elf Kingdomsat a much more dangerous scale than before, no doubt.

Since I wasnt in the Eastern Kingdom currently, I was leaving the matter in capable hands.

As for the Elves, this was simply a better opportunity to score more points with them.

Ill make you overestimate your enemies, Zenkiel. And, when you do

A broad grin formed on my face as I remembered the younger green Demon General from my Past Life.

Youll be playing right into my hands!


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