SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 380: 380 Assertion Of Dominance

Within the document that the King approved, he basically gave me every right to determine what happened in our little group.

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If I deemed it fit, I could even remove Fabian and Damien from my team.

F-father really wrote this? Fabian was still struggling to accept his empty position.

He never had any real authority, to begin with.

Do you understand now? I wasnt going to say anything before now, since I wanted to be considerate of your position. If you had behaved, you would have continued to be our Leader.

I had no use for figureheads who wouldnt listen to what they were told.

Your existence in this group was for mere decoration, Fabian. I allowed you to come because I initially thought youd be simpler to bring along, but I suppose I was wrong. Youre annoying, and that makes it difficult to focus.

This was simply me bullying a young man, but he deserved to hear those words.

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In my eyes, Fabian was nothing but a child. That was shy I had been considerate for so long, but even kids had to grow up at some point.

H-how dare you talk to the Prince that way! Damien Lawcroft growled at me.

It was a wonder how such a man was able to lord over me back when I still studied at Ainzlark.

Just as Neron told me, he indeed was a man worthy of pity.

Be quiet. How dare you address me, the representative of the King in such a manner? Thats treason, you know? Are you going to be taking responsibility for that?

That was enough to zip Damiens mouth shut. Fabian, who had expected his assistant to defend him and turn the tables was now staring at the powerless Damien with disbelief.

Its a tragic sight, really. Fabian you shouldnt be relying on that man.

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Even though Damien had kept quiet once treason was mentioned, it wasnt as though he wasnt already guilty of that offense.

Conspiring with that organization, Damien I smiled at him.

The true reason I allowed Fabian to come with me was that Damien would also accompany him.

He was my true target from the get-go.

Its better I have this traitor in sight than leaving him to run rampant in the Royal Capital.

Besides, I would be able to glean quite some information from him.

Considering his level of power and intelligence, though, I surmised he would be among the lowest Rank. Most likely even lower than Legris.

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And that guy didnt know much.

Still, even the smallest bit of Intel had its uses. I just had to ensure they were accurate.

There was a chance that the enemy would try to mislead me with wrong information, so I had to be careful.

This is quite an intricate game

But, I had no plans of losing.

If you understand, get out of my sight. Go rest in your rooms and wait for further instructions. I said to the two, still cross-legged.

For a moment, there was an uncomfortable silence hanging in the air. I could sense foreboding, and an unsettling sensation lurked amid us.

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The emotions of Fabian, in particular, were in an uncontrollable torrent. Before long, it erupted.

T-this has to be false! Its fake! I refuse to believe it!

Really? This is the best you could do? I nearly rolled my eyes as Fabian burst out in complaint.

Youre lying! Father would never!!!

Okay, thats enough.


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