SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 384: 384 Private Audience [Pt 1]

This woman is crazy Aurora thought to herself as she stared at the human before her.

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While the match had ended in a tie, the Elf Queen begged to differ internally.

The attack she had used[Harbinger Of Rupture]was the most powerful offensive Spell in her arsenal.

The Drilling Arrow that spun could pierce through anything, and it accumulated more power with every rotation.

The only restraining factor to this Spell was time.

If given enough time to rotate, it could build enough charge that had the capacity to destroy an entire Continentno, probably the world.

That was why it was Auroras trump card.

While she knew it wouldnt have been able to achieve its perfect state since Serah Crimson wouldnt let it charge for very long, the Elf still expected to come out victorious.

However to think her attack got canceled out.

Serah had not even utilized the aid of any weapon or Magic Item.

It was simply her individual power.

Yet, we tied?

Aurora Vindiel hated losing, but this feeling within her was something that felt far worse than defeat.

It was the realization that she was inferior even though she didnt lose.

That woman, Serah Crimson shes definitely stronger than I am.

Of course, for the sake of her peopleas well as to keep her ego intactAurora didnt reveal her true thoughts.

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Since everyone had agreed it was a tie, she would let it remain that way. After all, none of them had been going all out from the start.

It was nothing more than a friendly spar.


The match ended, and both women slightly bowed to each other to show their respects.

The look on Serahs face was ecstasy, and Aurora was matching the same look.

I know shes sulking internally, though

This wasnt what I had in mind, but I was glad that Serah was able to blow off some steam by facing Aurora.

This should calm her down for a bit I whispered to myself.

The two women exited the devastated arena, vanishing from sight.

The entrances/exits linking to the stage were not connected to the seats of the audience, so we lost sight of them.

Ah, hold on didnt Freya say the Queen wanted to see me?

Just as I was having the thought, the Elf in question appeared before me.

Come with me.

I nodded and followed her lead sheepishly.

We took a different route from everyone else, and before I knew it, we were on a strange path.

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That was an intense match, wasnt it? Freya smiled as she led the way.

At some point, she slowed down her pace, so we were walking side by side.

Indeed. I truly couldnt tell who would win. I responded, glancing at the smiling Elf.

For some reason, she seemed awfully pleased.

I had thought her pride as an Elf would be hurt a little for seeing her mother draw with a human.

She is Auroras daughter, after all I nearly smirked.

Well, I have to admit, it was surprising. Ive never actually seen my mother use her staff before. To think she resorted to that

The Staff Of Ages was something passed among the Queens of the Elf Kingdom.

I heard a bit about it from my lover in my previous life, but even she couldnt tell me the details.

Well, Serah is very strong. I can only imagine what would happen if she decided to use her Familiar or Original Magic.

Familiar? Oh, you mean Bond Souls?

I nodded.

For Elves, they operated differently from humans.

Rather than utilizing Familiars the way we did, they made contracts with certain Magic Beasts and Bond Souls. These contracts allowed their linked partners to come to their aid at any time.

It was also a symbiotic relationship, so the Elves and their partners both benefited.

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However, a major difference between our method and theirs was that they utilized living Magic Creatures as their Partners.

It was the obvious choice since Bond Souls were weaker versions of their living selves. So, rather than utilizing Bond Magic, they formed contracts with actual living Magic Beasts.

That gave them a massive advantage.

I guess thats why using Familiars was also restricted. I smiled and Freya nodded.

If both women had gone all out, it was a wonder what would actually happen. However, with what I had seen so far, my opinion was leaning toward Serah Crimson.

To be honest, I wasnt expecting her to have so much raw power.

A Transcendental Spell with enough force to match a Harbinger Of Rupturealbeit incompletewas something no human should have been able to produce.

It made me realize just how true Nerons words were.

Haa. Well, the results were certainly interesting I gained quite a lot. You?

Yeah. Me too. Freya smiled, slowing down as we approached a large door that stood right in front of us.

The Queen is right behind this door. She says she wishes to meet you here. Freya said with a slightly more appropriate tone.

Even though we had been conversing as friends just earlier, her tone now was quite formal.

Thank you, Freya. I smiled.

Even though it would have been more appropriate to add her Princess Title, such actions were unnecessary at this juncture.

Ill be heading in now. I quickly chimed in after seeing her slightly stunned expression.

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Y-yeah. One last thing, though

I turned back just as I was about to open the door and spotted her giving a serious gaze.

Dont try anything stupid.

Her tone and expression were back to her causal mode, but something about her warning seemed weirdly personal and dangerous.


Perfect. Then, Ill see you later.

With that, Freya walked off and I entered the Elf Queens supposed office.


I am coming in, your Majesty.

It wasnt until I entered inside

Oh? Youre here already? Then, do come in.

That I truly understood the meaning behind Freyas words.

A warm, pleasant feeling permeated my body as I opened the door.

It was accompanied by a lovely floral aroma, tickling my nose as I entered the room, and I found myself in a place I didnt expect.

T-this is!

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