SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 390: 390 Allies Of The Past

Was this your intention from the start? Making me stay behind while my comrades returned to the Eastern Kingdom?

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Emilia and I were walking together one fateful day, so I asked.

It had been almost two weeks since my allies left for the Eastern Kingdom, and we got news that they would be arriving today.

That was the reason I even remembered how we separated, in the first place.

Maybe Emilia smiled, and then licked her lips in a dangerously seductive way.

My crotch tingled, and the memory of the kiss we shared the previous night appeared in my head.

Nngh! I fought to regain control.

Emilia was a great manipulator of emotions, far more skilled than me.

I wasnt even in her league.

We kept discussing as we awaited the arrival of our comrades, holding hands every step of the way.

Fun, casual moments like these soon became a rarity as time went on.

After all, thanks to being sheltered by the Elf Kingdom, I was able to escape all the horrid hardships of war.

And so, while I was basking in love and desire Demons had advanced to a terrifying degree.


The King of the Eastern Empire arrived with his entourage.

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Thanks to the pride of the Elves, it couldnt have gone any other way. As a result, a diplomatic conference was held, and we successfully formed an Alliance.

I, as well as my comrades, were present.

After the whole Treaty was over, I took some time to catch up with my friends.

They told me of the horrors that were occurring beyond the borders of the Eastern Kingdom.

We need to act fast. Gawain even murmured with a stern face.

I understood that the situation was deadly, but that was all the more reason why we couldnt act rashly.

And so, I proposed a two-pronged plan.

Firstly, our joint forces with the Elves would form a resistance against the Demon Forces. But, seeing as they were growing at an uncontrollable rate, it was best to increase our manpower quickly.

Which was when my second planWorld Alliancecame into play.

We had to seek the aid of the other Races.

Since I was the instigator of this plan, I needed to execute it. And so, the time finally came to leave the Elf Kingdom.

For the future of the world, I was to journey to the other Kingdoms and secure their aid.


Youre leaving, Lewis?

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I had my hesitations.

Come with me. My words were selfish, but, I had gotten too attached to the point of letting Emilia out of my sight.

She was slowly becoming my everything.

Of course, she readily agreed.

And so, I came up with a strategy that involved an Elf Representative coming with us. Since Emilia was the oldest and most mature, it was certain that she would be the one chosen.

Fortunately, the plan worked, and Emilia joined usmuch to the dissatisfaction of Aurora, her sister.

Even though she never became an integral part of our Hero Party, Emilia journeyed with us as a representative of the Elves.

You know, Ive never left the Elf Kingdom before. She told me as we prepared to leave.

Eh? Really? Why?

Well, as a Royal, you end up being confined to your duties. Most Elves also prefer to remain within the bounds of the Kingdom.

Emilia even went on to say that my group was the first set of humans she had ever seen.

It was a new experience for her, which was why she grew curious.

She wanted to know more about us.

After observing the three members of the Hero Party, the one who seemed the most approachable was the man shaking in his bootsA.K.A. me.

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Well, Ive been traveling for some time. So I can always show you the ropes. My confident grin was a sharp contrast to the first impression the Elves had of me.

But, humans are creatures of habit. As I slowly became accustomed to the Elves, I began to see them for who they were

And they also slowly began to view me differently too.

At least, they didnt hate mewell, almost all of them didnt.


We traversed the Elf Kingdom and approached the land of the Fairies.

We passed the mountains and harsh seas until we came upon the Kingdom of the Therianthropes.

Crossing their Borders, we soon encountered the Nation of Dwarves.

In a span of a few months, while the war ensued with the Elves and Humans forming an Alliance, our Party successfully allied itself with the members of the other Races.

The Fairy King had been bought over by some innovations I developed thanks to merging my knowledge of the Human and Elf Kingdom.

It was a technology the Fairies didnt possess, so he coveted it.

As a result, he offered his assistance in exchange for even more innovations.

Since we would be allies anyway, I readily agreed.

The Beastfolk valued strength above all else. As a result, Gawain had to fight with their best warriorThe Leader.

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It was a pretty much even match, but Gawain was slightly on the losing end.

In terms of raw power, the Beastfolk reigned supreme. The only reason Gawain had an advantage to even the odds was because of his Martial Arts techniques.

As a result, it ended in a stalemate.

As a bonus for joining our Alliance, we offered the Beastfolk access to Martial Arts Techniques.

The Leader, who was impressed by how a weaker Gawain was able to win thanks to Martial Arts, readily accepted.

And so, we won them over.

As for the Dwarves, I simply offered them some blueprints of certain innovationslike a special Golem, as well as a Spellcasting sensory device.

Dwarves were obsessed with creating new technology, so they soon succumbed to the temptation of my ideas.

I had help along the way. If not for the aid of Ford Zesshi, Jane Ursula, as well as Emilia, I wouldnt have been able to figure out even a quarter of what I did.

They helped a blind man like me to see the wonders of Mana and its mechanics.

It was thanks to our joint efforts that we were able to achieve Alliance Treaties with every major Race.

And so the perfect front was formed in history.

We all rallied against the enemies that threatened our existence.

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