SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 399: 399 Choice [Pt 1]

Who is she?

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I was utterly speechless.

Lewis who is this? At this point, even Karlia was asking me.

Both women sharply stared at me, demanding an explanation.

But, what could I say?

This was not at all what I had imagined my newly established peaceful life to turn out. Their stares turned into glares, and my heart squeezed in response.

What should I do? What do I say?! My brain was in overdrive, wondering how to handle the situation.

As the algorithms ran in my head, the only paths I saw in front of me were incredibly bleak.

All routes literally led to doom.

Fortunatelyor, rather, unfortunatelyI never got to answer that question.

I am Lewis wife! Who are you? Emilia took the lead instead, stepping forward to challenge the equally attractive, but more seductive Succubus

I could only watch in timidity.

What? I-is that true? Its not true, right? Right? Karlia looked at me with disbelief.

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My heart nearly crumbled from her gaze. I truly wished I didnt exist as her eyes begged me to deny the truth.

I-its true I was forced to admit.

Those words of mine seemed to break Karlia.

For someone who had endured unimaginable painhorrors I could not even begin to fathomand who only had me as her tether

Hearing me affirm that I was no longer hers was something that would ruin her.

N-no it cant be. Youre lying youre lying

Watching such a beautiful and perfect woman break down before me was something that only brought more sorrow to my heart.

And so, I could only watch and endure.

Lewis, youre lying, arent you? Shes lying! Youre not hers! Youre mine! You said so, remember! Those moments we spent together those years I endured everything for you! You you

At this point, Emilia was already casting glances at me.

I knew I was in serious trouble, but the most important matter to deal with couldnt allow any more distractions from me.

K-Karlia, calm yourself. The truth is

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You two-timer! Cheat! Traitor! Liar! Bastard! You

The atmosphere grew intense, and even Emilia was pushed back by the pressure being emitted by Karlia.

The compound trembled, and the surging power coming from the enraged Succubus only increased.

Keuk! My wife bitterly groaned as the wild energy pushed her further back.

For some reason, I felt none of the lashes caused by Karlias outburst. Was it an intentional effort on her part?

Or perhaps it was subconscious. Either way, everything else was devastated except for me.

You youre mine, Lewis you said so. We promised. We bonded. I love you, Lewis! You said you love me too!

Her overflowing emotions were getting too dangerous. If I didnt do anything, it was going to escalate beyond my control.

I did! I truly loved you, Karlia! B-but I fought with all my energy to shout, straining my voice despite the strong howling of the heavy wind.

But what? You love me, Lewis, right? That means Im yours and youre mine! Hey, lets get out of here! Lets leave and do what weve always donewhat we wanted to do!

Karlia began saying so many things that I had told her in the past.

Even conversations that I hardly remembered were brought up by her.

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I never forgot any of them! We are meant for each other, Lewis! You think so too, right?

Emilia was already feeling suppressed by the level of Miasma Karlia was releasing, but none of that bothered the Succubus in the slightest.

Her attention was on me and nothing else.

Urgh Lewis stop her shes shes out of control. Emilia whispered as she fell weakly to her knees.

Elves were extremely weak to Miasma, and Emilia was no exception.

My wife was powerless before Karlia, and if this went on, she would most likely die.

Perhaps that was even what my previous lover wanted.

Still, I couldnt have that!

It became a decisive moment in my life, and I had to chooseonce and for allwhose side I was on.

Karlia, stop it! I dont love you anymore! I love Emilia. Shes my one and only wife. Stop hurting her! With trembling in my voice, I raised my blade and pointed it at the woman I loved with everything I had.

No matter how much I loved Emilia, I couldnt deny the throbbing in my heart as I stared at Karlia as well.

However, no matter how one tried, they couldnt possess everything. There was no way fate would allow me to have the two of them.

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As such, I was forced to choose.

Rather than stretching my hand for something, it was better I kept holding onto what I already had.

I made my choice as a result of this rationale.

N-no Lewis. You dont mean that. You dont


Rushing to Emilias side, I embraced the coughing Elf tightly, burying her in my arms. My blade was still pointed at Karlia as I comforted the wife I had.

I see

The look Karlia had on her face I could never forget it.

A cold gaze, filled with an immense pressure I couldnt fathom suddenly took over.

So, you chose her

It felt like I would dieas though it was truly the end.

You dont love me anymore.

I tightly embraced Emilia, awaiting whatever justified action Karlia would mete out on me.

However the attack never came.


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