SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 408: 408 Perfect Balance

Just like me?

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Lemi was dumbstruck by my statementor at least she appeared to be.

More than just my words, but the fact that I was emitting both Mana and Miasma from my bodyyet appeared completely unfazed by itmade both Elves look at me in wonder.

H-how is that possible?

It shouldnt be possible, right? Right?

Ignorance was a terrible foe.

While it could be bliss at certain moments, there was no doubt that it robbed many of the right kind of perspective to achieve certain goals.

That was why I lived by the philosophy that nothing was impossibleat least when it came to Magic.

It gave me the right kind of mindset.

Just because it hasnt been discovered yet doesnt mean it doesnt exist! That was the kind of perspective that brought me this far.

It was such a shame that many didnt share the same line of thought as me.

Well, it is. This right here is the perfected form of your condition, Lemi.

Thats right! Her current situation was by no means an affliction.

It was a gift.

If I cultured it well, it would turn into an indispensable platform for growth.

Im also curious about the results

Now drawing closer, only leaving barely an inch between us, I stared straight into Lemis eyes with a grin.

So do you want it? What I have?

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I could feel the feeling of superiority within her dissipate.

Her composure began wearing off one after the other, and then she sensibly gave in to the only hope before her.

Y-yeah I do. I want it.

Good girl! My grin grew broader.

I turned to Aurora, who simply watched in stunned silence.

Well begin the process now. Its best if you wait behind the glass.

The concerned Elf Queen looked hesitant to leave her precious niece with a human who was about to begin who knows what.

W-will it be dangerous? Her concerns rang out.

Yes. It will. But I promise that I wont hurt her.

It was pretty obvious that the spoilt girl didnt take to pain well. Her fragile body had barely undergone any training, and it was also degenerating as a result of the Miasma Poisoning.

I had to be careful if I wanted to pull things off successfully.

Okay then. Ill trust you.

Please do.

As Aurora began moving toward the door, I looked at Lemiwho was fidgeting uncomfortably.

Dont worry I smiled, rubbing her black and white hair with my hand.

It felt weird doing this to a 400 Year Old Elf who was my daughterbut was technically older than me.

She didnt seem to mind, though.

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The spoilt girl must be used to being pampered.

Ill be gentle.


Mana and Miasma

Contrasting forces that are never meant to be combined.

As they are opposite forms of energy, they repel each other and cause adverse effects on the body.

This imbalance is known as Poisoningwhether of Mana or Miasma.

However, just as it is possible for Mana to be corrupted by Miasmaas Demons usually doit is also possible to overhelming Miasma with Mana.

None is superior to the other, and they are simply two sides of a coinin this case, it would energy.

However, a loophole exists.

And that is balance.

In the situation where there is an even distribution of Mana and Miasma, down to the perfect decimal, there will be no resistance.

In fact, both energies will simply cause another reactionAnti-magic.

But, rightly apportioning both energies is very difficult.

If ones core isnt capable of producing the two at equal quality and quantityusing the same wavelengththen an imbalance will occur.

That is why when dealing with these two energy sources, its always good to first understand them.

Then, control the flow to generate a Core that contains both Energies with complete balance.

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And then, once the Fused Core is made, just as with regular Mana Cores, it is possible to release both essences to generate its power.

It sounds quite complex in theory, but the principle isnt very hard.

Once the balance is achieved, the next step is as natural as possible.

Then, for the challenge before me only one solution presents itself.

I must achieve perfect balance!


A-ahhh Lemi let out a soft moan as I placed my hands on her bare back.

She must have felt the foreign energy of mine that penetrated her body and was now permeating it.

Even though I needed direct contact with her skin to freely achieve what I desired, there was no need for her to undress.

My palms simply burned through the clothing she wore and touched her from behindleaving everything else she wore intact.

A-ahhh.. ahhh More sounds came from her lips.

I remained silent, focusing on the task at hand.

Distractions were unnecessary at this juncture.

Forcefully resonating with the girl allowed me to gain access to her body, causing me to feel the strong Miasma that had deeply rooted itself into the corners of her being.

Her Mana Core was already shrouded with negative energy, and I could tell that the imbalance was severe.

Okay, lets begin

What surrounded me was a big black space of Miasma.

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Particles of Mana aroundlike starswere fading away thanks to being corroded by the darkness.

And, the biggest light of allLemis Mana Corewas barely hanging on.

For a girl whose insides have been devastated this extensively how can she be so energetic?

Lemi must have been feeling immense discomfort and pains, yet she endured it.

Shes stronger than I gave her credit for I sighed, feeling a bit bad for knocking her so mercilessly.

To be fair, I was holding back, but still

Jared, focus! My senses returned to the surrounding darkness and lights.

Huuu first things first!

Now using my Miasma, I attracted the surrounding negative energy to myself.

They responded instantlythanks to the influence of Spellcraft.

Upon attracting every ounce of the Miasma particles, I was able to free the dim lights from being corrupted by the Miasma.

With that, the rogue Miasma that was killing Lemi was now contained.

It wouldnt have been possible without my ability to use Miasma, but, the solution was that simple.

However, this was only a start.

Even though the Miasma could be dispelled or absorbed by me if I desired it, I had a better idea.

Consider this a gift from me, Lemi. I grinned, looking at her Special Grade Mana Core.

It was brimming brighter than ever.

Time for phase two!

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