G-grandfather?! I mumbled in disbelief as the carriage took me further away from Anabelle.

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She smiled lovingly at me, waving me goodbye. I was too stunned to reciprocate her energy, waving only in a stunned state.

While her answer explained a lot of things, it caused even more questions. To think my own grandfather had been my tutor for so long, and I was left unaware.

Mum calls him Alphonse I called him that too. Other than the slight display of affection they displayed once in a while, I couldnt sense any kind of family bond

Still mumbling to myself, I looked at the book she had given me before I entered the carriage. Rubbing it slightly with my hand, I calmed myself. There had to be a reason for me not knowing of it.

After I calmed down a little, I looked out the window and caught one final glimpse of Anabelle, as well as the few members of our household that saw me off.

The rest of them were busy taking care of the mess that Lilianas death caused, as well as investigating similar incidents that might have occurred in other areas.

My farewell was not as exciting or emotional as expected, however this much was enough.

Soon, the manor began shrinking in size as I drifted further from it. Perspective made everything appear very little, and my mother vanished from sight. Smiling at myself, I retracted my head from the opening of the carriage window and sighed.

Huu Ive become quite emotional, uh?

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Shrugging off the sentiments welling up within me, I refrained from taking unnecessary thoughts.

The book lets see what Alphonses gift was or should I call him Grandfather now? I whispered.

No, that would just feel too weird.

Opening the brown leather book, I saw a letter on the first page. The envelope had a red seal affixed to it, making me slightly curious. Only nobles and distinguished families used such seals.

If I remember correctly, Anabelle is from a very distinguished magic-based family. I suppose its true that Alphonse is her father I reasoned.

I impatiently opened the envelope, curious about its contents. As expected, a letter was within. The parchment in my hands was made from very exquisite material, and the texture was soft, as well as firm.

I stretched it out so I could read the contents of the letter Alphonse sent. Looking through it, I smiled in nostalgia, reminded of my tutor.



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~ Dear Jared, how have you been?

Im sure by now youre on your way to the academy since my letter will arrive late. Knowing Anabelle, Im sure shell only give you in the morning, on your way to the academy.

Sigh, that woman

I trust youve been well. It hasnt been very long since I left the Leonard Household, but I already miss you and your mother.

There are a few things I wish to tell you, so make sure you read attentively.

Firstly, my gift to you is a book which contains several mixes of drugs, concoctions, and medicines. There are also poisons and harmful mixtures there, so be careful.

You showed an interest in the formula for curing your mothers Mana Shock, and knowing you, it wont stop at that. To further assist in your research, I decided to give you this compilation of records that I made myself.

I figured it would be better than just any old spellbook.

As for the second thing I have to reveal. It is something Anabelle might have addressed, but in case she hasnt, I should explain it in length. Jared, I am the father of your mother, as well as your grandfather.

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It wasnt as though any of us intentionally tried hiding this fact from you, but you never asked. The reason you may not have noticed this is because of our family customs. Our relationships take on many forms, depending on achievement and circumstances.

Anabelle once addressed me as father, and I called her daughter. However, that changed once she became a fully-fledged Magic User. and got my recognition to be a comrade in the art. Thats why we now use our names to address each other.

As for why I never addressed you as my grandson and didnt demand you to treat me as a grandfather is because I was brought in as a tutor, and had to act in such a manner. After your training elapsed, I recognized you as a fellow Magic-User, so theres no need for us to address ourselves in such a manner.

Its funny how our family relationship never defined us throughout our stay together, and even after.

If you take a good look at your name, Jared Leonard Alphonse Sereth, my name exists there. This is because my Magic-Oriented households name is the Alphonse Household, and my true name is Alphonse Gerald IV. We decided to hand over my daughter in marriage to your father as a result of an alliance between both households. As a symbol of our alliance, our familys name was incorporated into your familys name.

I certainly hope this has answered some of the questions you may have concerning things. While I know all I have said may be too much for a child your age, I know you are a special child, Jared, and do not need to be treated like a normal boy.

I certainly hope you act in a manner that makes both households you hail from proud.

As a pupil who passed under my wing and as my beloved grandchild, I certainly hope to hear of your exploits in Ainzlark.

Take care of yourself, Jared. ~

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After reading everything Alphonse said, I had two thoughts. The first was that this was a darn long letter!

He could have told me all this during one of the times we goofed off. This is a lot to take in so suddenly, damn it! My thoughts rang.

After taking a few moments to sort through everything I read, a smile formed on my face.

The second thought I had after reading his letter was that of gratitude.

Im happy for this, Alphonse. Ill be sure to do my best! I grinned, a deep fire of determination burning in my eyes.

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