SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 410: 410 Converged Attention

Its a lovely day, isnt it?

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The Queen was seated on her throne, surrounded by the Royal Elves.

This time, Lemi was also among the participants. Her gaze never shifted from me, making me slightly uncomfortable.

Well, its not had to recieve the attention of your daughter

Even though all my lifetimes combined still didnt quite measure up to her age.

In any case, all the Eastern Kingdom delegatesI includedwere bowing before the Queen as she spoke.

Please, rise. Its a joyful occasion, no?

We all did as instructed upon hearing Auroras voice. As expected, she sounded quite thrilled.

Our devastated lands will be repaired, and our people will be restored to us. That was the promise, right, Jared Leonard?

My allies all shot me a shocked look, most definitely caught by surprise that I said something so preposterous.

Serah Crimsons gaze was especially fierce. I gulped, feeling the intensity of multiple gazes on me.

Of course, your Majesty. Everyone, it is indeed a happy day. I made sure to return the gazes I was receiving with my confident smile.

You should all just sit back and enjoy the show.

Aurora nodded and her smile broadened. There no longer remained an ounce of hesitation in her eyes.

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After seeing that I was a man of my wordwith Lemi being living proof right thereshe was more interested in how I would be performing the next task.

And she wasnt the only one too.

The Royal Elves were all looking expectant. As expected, they must have heard of how I solved Lemis condition.

Well, its not all bad. Raising my prestige with every Race is also one of my goals

Now then, shall we head out?


The Elf Kingdoms Eastern Borderin the time I spent away from here, it still looked devastated.

Of course, this didnt surprise me, since I had Automatons constantly watching the area.

Their survey was to ensure they spotted enemy forcesif any showed upand also to observe the Elves that remained there.

And so, with my return to the place, it was almost as though I never left.

Its even worse than I imagined Aurora murmured, laying eyes on the devastating sight for the first time.

Not only did I teleport her with me, but also every member of the Royal Family, as well as my team members, came with me.

Apparently, they all wanted to see my Magic in action.

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Isnt it a bit reckless for every Royal to ditch the Capital? My thoughts trailed as I smiled softly.

Well, it wasnt as though the Demons would suddenly launch an offensive there. Plus, my Automatons would alert me if that occurred, and I could instantly teleport back.

Ultimately, their presence wouldnt be missed.

Jared, Im expecting quite a show. Serah Crimson said, smiling sharply at me.

I still had no idea what Neron told her about me, but it seemed her expectations from ms were always soaring through the roof.

Dont compare me to Neron! I wanted to scream out, but I simply answered positively instead.

I still cant believe you cured Lemi just what cant you do? It was Freyas turn to speak.

To be frank, I wanted to avoid her after realizing her feelings for me. But, as long as she remained an integral member of the Elf Society, encounters like this was unavoidable.

I cant do many things A wry smile formed on my face.

Sure, I had accomplished many feats that would be deemed impossible. However, there were even greater heights that I wanted to reach.

Especially after knowing people like Neron and Serah existed, it was only fair that I kept striving for more.

Currently, we were all on the outskirts of the Border, away from the rubble and destruction.

Even the Elf General I met previouslyClarawelcomed us warmly.

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All her soldiers stationed around gathered and bowed in the presence of Royalty.

Queen Aurora behaved in a manner befitting her status and soon explained what would be happening.

Many stared at me with disbelief, but it was hard to refute the Queens words.

That was why their doubts also morphed into expectations.

All eyes were literally on me.

I did a total survey of the area. The damage is extensive, covering over 80 percent of the city. Residential districts have turned to Ribble, production areas as well. Only the military base is still standing since its located on the outskirts. Clara gave a detailed report, showing how she hadnt been slacking off during her time here.

Weve also double-checked the citys records and observed the area. While we were unable to see any corpses, its estimated that at least three thousand Elves died here.

The Eastern Border had a population of a little over seven thousand.

The number Clara estimated was close to half of the total denizens. It was indeed a huge loss.

If not for Freyas control of the situationand how they barricaded the Demon Beasts despite having no experience fighting themmany more casualties would have occurred.

Of course, I knew all of this. After all

Thanks for the report, Clara. I appreciate it.

Rising from the ground, I floated using Magic. My body levitated to the destroyed town. I watched the rubbles and vestiges of an Elf civilization.

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It was a pitiful sight, but I wasnt moved.

This was all expected

Both my alliesthe Elves and Humanshad no idea about this, but I already knew things would go down this route.

I had spotted the Demon Beasts before they invaded the Elf Kingdom.

At that point, I was able to decipher the strategy being used by Zenkiel.

But, I intentionally didnt stop them.

Rather, I summoned a good number of my Automatons to observe the situation and act accordingly.

Then, I made my way to the Eastern Kingdom.

Truth be told, the reason I also delayed in helping the Elvesspending time with friends and families rather than coming to their aid earlywas for the actualization of this moment.

It may have seemed cruel, but it was the most effective route to achieving true loyalty among the Elves.

I simply used the enemys assault as an opportunity, and it had finally come.

All thats left now is to give everyone a good show.

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