SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 414: 414 The Man Dwelling In The Mount

Unexplainable silence.

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After witnessing the sight of something impossible, Bu was confronted with perfect decorum.

The air became heavy, and the putrid smell of corrupted blood filled the air.

It wasnt so much fear as it was shock.

The Demon General was simply amazed that a human had been able to cleanly slice a monster who was at least ten times bigger than he wasall in the blink of an eye.

It was utterly confusing, but Bu couldnt allow himself to get distracted by such emotions.

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I can easily do the same Was what he used to justify the absurdity.

It was unfair to compare himself to a single human destitute, but since the yardstick was still within his realm of understanding, Bu was able to overcome the initial surprise.

Okay, so hes strong. That explains why hes all alone here, and why he could confront us without fear

The man whom Bu now actively watched was holding a blade.

This blade wasnt shattered like the rest, but it was in pretty bad shape too.

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Judging from the weapons age and the numerous chips it had, it was only a matter of time before it also joined the rest in their shattered state.

As a weapons expert himself, Bu understood the blades durability more than anyone.

In a few more swings, the weapon was done for.

Should I just send Demon Beasts in waves to make sure he exhausts the weapons integrity? Once thats done, itll be a simple matter to end him.

Moving faster than he could retrieve another blade, Bu was determined to personally end the humans life.

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Carelessness was a sin! Such were the teachings of his masterLord Zenkiel himself.

Both overestimating and underestimating an opponent could lead to defeat, so Bu was prepared to sacrifice a few Beasts to achieve his goal.

If they ended up killing the man, that would prove that his worries were in vain.

However, if the man prevailed, his weapon wouldnt last much longer. That would be his window to strike.

Either way, Bu was assured of victory!

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Attack. Kill him!

At this command, a few dozen Demon Beasts charged at the human, who was already in a stance.

He muttered some words, but Bu still didnt understand any of them.


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