SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 422: 422 A General's Worry

A wide array of choices were displayed before us.

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Buttons of various colors, signifying different functions were waiting to be used.

I looked at the two girls, eager and waiting for me to tell them when and how to start.

Okay, I guess Ill run you through what to do.

I glanced and spotted the Demon General who was still staring at my huge Golem with shock and fright written on his face.

He had come too far to back down at this point, and even if he did, there would only be a harsh consequence for failure.

Death would be merciful in comparison.

Well, why dont I teach you the basics. Seeing that my opponent couldnt run anywhere, I could take my time to tutor the girls a little on how to control such a sophisticated construct.

This could take a while.

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How long had he been standing there? Darik had no idea.

He was too busy shaking in his boots to count the moments he spent in fear and anxiety.

Having a rather stout and muscular figure, Darik resembled a turtle with quite a shell and scaly appendages.

Rather than flabby arms, though, he had rather muscular ones.

His shell also had spikes sticking out, and his green-colored skin was one of the hardest of this race.

Despite being a powerful member of the Demon Societyas well as the leader of the thousand Demon Beasts behind himDarik couldnt make a single move.

The Demon Generals gaze had been on one single location for longer than he could countthe massive Golem that was in front of him.

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J-just what is that?

Darik, unlike his colleagues among the Nine Stars, knew how weak he was.

He was well aware of his limits in the Demon Society, and he had no intention of changing his position in the status quo.

He was neither too strong nor too weak.

He had managed to claw his way to the rank of Demon General and had no intention of going further than that.

For him, his rank was just a necessary measure for survival.

Respect was awarded to the strong in his society, and since he had achieved quite a high position, he was guaranteed a good life.

Perhaps that was why he slacked off most of the time.

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I dont need anything more than this. That was his philosophy.

Even when they were to be deployed to invade enemy land, he had been sent to the weakest locationthe Western Border of the Elf Kingdom.

Darik had been pleased beyond wordshappy to simply slack off and execute his duties with as minimal effort as possible.

That was what he was expecting.

B-but, what the hell is this? The rat-like Demon squeaked in the presence of a true giant.

After locking gazes with the massive Golem for so long, locked in a standstill, Darik finally decided on the next course of action.

Maybe maybe we should advance?

As he thought this, the Golem whirred to life, causing his entire body to jump in shock.

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The Golems left leg moved, raised higher than Darok could see beyond. It seemed like the ray of the sun was blocked by that single leg raise.

Then, a thought popped into his mind as he marveled at the 60-meter plus Golem.

S-shit its gonna crush us?!

If the monstrosity before him so wished, it could crush quite a number of Demon Beasts with a single stomp.



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