SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 440: 440 The Path Of War [Pt 3]

Damien Lawcroft, our eyes and ears there, can not make any conspicuous moves, but hell keep us updated from time to time.

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Once Abellion heard this, he was at least assured of a flow of information.

The Mastermind was more resourceful than he expected.

The Demons currently had the advantage when it came to the number of soldiers at their disposal.

However, that could change depending on whether or not the Alliance succeeded.

Good. Well be counting on him The Demon King spoke half-heartedly.

Ultimately, what they had to do hadnt changed.

Well just destroy them before they have a chance to rally together!

Lydia would take down their device, tearing them apart from within, and then the Demon Forces would strike en masse.

Once they decimated the Human Kingdom, they would corrupt the whole area with Miasma, making it their second stronghold.

There were four major continents in the world, so if the Demons gained possession of two, then it would be much easier to strike the other Nations.

Its perfect! Abellion could already see victory within reach.

Still, something nudged at him.

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It could have been curiosity or slight worry, but Abellion could not let go of the impression that was upon him.

Zenkiel, do you know the name of this Mastermind?

Yes, my King! The loyal Demon Lord responded instantly.

He had been shocked when he heard of his identity from Damien Lawcroft, so Zenkiel knew quite well that everyone would soon burst out in surprise.

His name is Jared Leonard, a 15-Year-Old Noble from the Eastern Kingdom.

WHAT?! Surprised gasps filled the massive hall.

The Demon Lords were beyond dumbfounded that a mere child was able to outsmart their most brilliant strategist.

It was unbelievable, but Zenkiel wouldnt dare spout lies to the Demon King. That meant he was telling the truth.

Everyone stared at their absolute ruler, only to find his eyes bulging in shock. This expression seemed to exceed that of mere surprise. He seemed to be overcome with anger.

T-this is Gritting teeth were displayed by the King, and his hands pressed on the throne quite tightly.

Yes, he was definitely upset.

Legris Damien, that bastard! Abellions thoughts snapped.

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He remembered when his human friend told him not to harm a particular individual among the humans.

He should have researched the person, but Abellion simply let it go.

To think that the same human he was told to spare was the root source of their problems. Abellion also realized that Legris must have also been aware of the humans capabilities.

So, this is how he wants to act, uh? Abellion realized that the mans actions had no bearing with the Cult they were partnered with.

After all, Legris had asked him for the favor outside official business.

Still, he couldnt accept the fact that his supposed ally withheld such important information from him.

Jared Leonard just how valuable is he? Abellion didnt want to spare him, but he realized that for such a child to be at the center of everything, there had to be some relevance accorded to him.

I will have to see for myself

If he was important to Legris, then capturing him would be the best way to handle the situation. But, considering how formidable this Jared person had proven himself to be, it was best to take care of him after they had solidified their victory over the Humans.

Hell be at the Elf Kingdom alongside the Army of the Alliance. Well use that opportunity to take down his home! Abellion plotted evilly.

By the time Jared Leonard recognized what was happening, the Eastern Continent would be shrouded in Miasmamaking it an extremely unfavorable battlefield.

In the end, victory would belong to him.

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After this war is over, Ill have to have a long chat with Legris

For now, though, they had to be busy with several things that warranted their attention. A full invasion required time, effort, and resources.

Ill need to

What about me? What will be my role in this war? Someone among the Demon Lords sharply interrupted.

Everyone instantly knew who it was, and even though they were extremely displeased that he spoke in such an impudent way to the King, they couldnt say anything.

Desgarion are you that impatient? Abellion muttered, staring at the Crimson Demon.

The Demon Lord of Rouge did not flinch. He simply stared back in defiance.

Being relegated to the sidelines had made him grow more brazen in his display of displeasure.

Everyone in the room felt the tension rise to an alarming rate. Beads of sweat and expressions of discomfort spread among all of them.

However, Abellion got rid of the decorum by speaking up.

You will remain herein the Demon Realmwhile our Army marches out.

What?! Desgarion looked even more agitated now.

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His bloodshot eyes that sought violence were beginning to twitch. Veins appeared in his head, displaying obvious displeasure.

Once it reached a climax, there was no doubt that Desgarion was going to challenge Abellion.

It would be unwise to leave our front doors unguarded as we launch an all-out invasion. Think about it.

Everyone agreed with Abellions words. Zenkiel was going to bring it up later, but their King was one step aheadas always.

And? What does that have to do with me? I should be on guard duty?

No. Thats not it. If we begin invading the Eastern Kingdom, theres no way the people of the West will stay still. Even if its just a dangerous struggle, they will do everything it takes to counter.

The land of the Elves was closer to the Northern Continent.

It was highly likely that they would strike the North rather than attempt to recover their lands in the Eastern Kingdomespecially if someone as efficient as the Mastermind was the one in charge.

Rather than relying on sentiment, intelligence would dictate that attacking the enemys stronghold while it was defenseless would be the only way out.

Thats where you come in. Desgarion, you will be waiting behind to defeat the enemies that foolishly attempt to take down our Realm while were away.

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