SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 452: 452 Breaking The Strong


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In one easy swing, I broke through their lousy defenses, breaking their mediocre forms.

In another strike, I sent pangs of pain coursing through their bodies.

Not yet!

Another hit sent another painful sensation running through their bodies.

Even as they struggled to exchange blows with me, my fluid movements were too much.

Controlling every portion of my body, while getting rid of excess movements, made me much faster and more efficient compared to the two.

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Serah, you call yourself a Mage, but your Magic Attacks are too simple.

Being focused on destructive ability wasnt healthy.


What makes her different from Martial Artists?

Youd be mistaken for a Martial Artist but youre too mediocre to be recognized as an expert. I mocked Serah, swinging my blade down at her feet.

She yelped, falling to the ground.

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Seeing this, Gerard became enraged and charged at me with full force.

Gerard, your Martial Arts Techniques are non-existent. We opened the eyes of your race to the advantages of Martial Arts in exchange for an Alliance, but it seems you didnt deem it fit to learn it properly.

His superior ability and sheer Mana already made him invincible among his people. Obviously, Martial Arts would be considered unnecessary to him.


I can see all your movements. Pathetic!

When facing someone with equal or superior strength, it was possible to completely turn the tides of battle with Martial Arts.

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Even though I was weaker than the two of them, the way I handled them so easily was proof of that fact.

Is this all you have to offer? I asked them once again, staring at them as they fell to the ground.

My grip on my blade was tight, and I was prepared for yet another show of resistance. However

Looks like I broke them already, uh?

Serah and Gerard crumbled to the ground, completely beaten.

With that, my bloodcurdling battle with the two immensely powerful opponents came to a close.

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The winner was none other than me.


Eat it, I told my loyal vassal.

He obeyed my words and swallowed the white pill.


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