My question shook everyone.

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At this point, everyone around me must have realized that the whole drunken act of mine was only a false front.

It was unfortunate, but the bigger picture was in sight.

My deal to you was as humane as possible. I offer the same to everyone who desires it. A chance to be free of the shackles that bind you to premature death, and also the opportunity to become stronger. Raising my hand, I stared straight at Gerard.

At this point, his heart was racing rapidly.

All I ask in return is to become my subordinate. Is that unfair? Is that wrong? Isnt it exactly in accordance with your rules? Im the strongest one here, so isnt it common sense that you would all conform to my will?

Was I too kind to Gerard? It seemed as though he was taking my goodwill for granted.

I could have done this by force, but I gave you a choice. You knew from the start what the only option was, yet you decided on this path.

I wasnt the villain here.

Gerard had enough time to prevent the hardship that his son was going through. In essence

The one who is to blame is you.

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Upon seeing that I was not going to budge in my stance, Gerard finally conceded.

Hanging his head in shame, he knelt and faced his trembling and screaming child. I could sense fatherly affection.

Considering the fact that this Asa kid had enough latent potential to surpass any Beastfolk in history, it must have made the Beast King very pained to lose him.

Asa you can be cured. But, you will have to serve that man from now on. Do you understand? You will get to live. You will also become stronger than ever before. You will surpass your father, and everyone that came before you. Do you understand? Asa

The screaming boy could not respond properly amid the pain, but the tears that gushed from his eyes were enough to tell his father that he would do anything to escape his agony.

We agree to your terms. Please do it. Save my child.


In response to Gerards plea, I began treatment immediatelywasting not a single second.


That very night, every member of Gerards family became my subordinate.

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Their Souls had Brands linked to mine, so I had access to their current statusas well as informationin real-time.

Once the process was done, the previously joyous dinner closed abruptly.

We were all shown to our respective quarters, and Gerards family retreated to their residence.

Even though they hadnt said much, I could tell how they were feeling. An initial assumption of being taken advantage of would swirl within their hearts.

However, eventually, they would realize the huge favor I had done for them.

All of them will be grateful.

With that in mind, I ignored the watchful gazes of everyone on my team and retreated to my room in silence.


Serah Crimson couldnt sleep.

It was a lovely night, and usually, the woman would never feel the urge to remain awake with the current atmosphere.

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However, for some reason, she couldnt sleep this very night.

Though she didnt want to admit it, the reason for her insomnia was a Fifteen-year-old boy.

Jared Leonard She murmured and rose out of her bed.

She looked out her window and appreciated the dark allure of the night even more. Still, even with the amazing view, her mind couldnt let go of the image of the kid who bested her in combat.

The only one who had ever beaten her in a fight was Neronand that was so long ago. Serah had grown much stronger since then, and she was certain that the superior one among them was her.

It wasnt vain pride, but a genuine one. The fact that Serah Crimson was the most powerful Mage in the Eastern Kingdom had already been established.

So, how? Her body shook a little as she remembered the humiliating defeat she experienced at the hands of a single boy.

Even with the aid of the Beast King, who was also mercilessly beaten, Serah was unable to land a single injury on the boytalkless of having a decisive hit.

He was always one step ahead, and his power was enough to overwhelm her.

The Queen of Destruction didnt want to admit it, but Jared Leonard was the most powerful person she had ever met.

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How would he fare against Neron? She had no idea. Normally, the woman would think that since he was able to beat her, he would beat Neron.

But, with how her strength had been rendered obsolete before him, Serah was beginning to wonder if she was actually more powerful than Neron.

This state of confusion left her unable to think about much else.

Damn it For the first time in years, she could feel the emotion of frustration come over her.

Despite her natural prowessdespite the privileges she had been bestowed with since birth

Why cant I catch up? Why cant I keep up?

Serah thought the answer was simply destruction and straightforward violence, but she was now beginning to reconsider her stance.

For the first time in years, her lips quivered and her body became delicate. In a totally confused and vulnerable state, the woman spoke to herself in the solitude she had in the room.

What should I do now?


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