SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 464: 464 Ana's Evolution [Pt 2]

So you knew? You knew, yet you allowed all this? Why?

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Maros eyes narrowed as all focus was on the little child. Her behavior was not normal.

Why would she act in such a manner despite knowing so much?

Hmm because I was curious? Ana murmured, giving a most surprising response.

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What? Do you not realize the kind of situation youre in?

Lydia knew humans were foolish at times, but not to this extent.

I should just kill herno, Ill capture her insteadand get this over with

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My situation? What about it?

U-uh? Lydia was unable to bear the girls stupidity any longer.

I believe youre misunderstanding something here

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Now using her fingers to tilt her glasses, the girl called Ana gave a charming smile.

Youre going to die here Lydia.

That was the height of foolishness and arrogance. Lydia couldnt tolerate any more.

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Ill neutralize her, and then destroy the device!


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