SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 478: 478 The Battlefield [Pt 1]

The empty, vast field before Abellions army instantly became occupied with several newcomers.

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The Demon King couldnt help but widen his eyes in shock.

No it couldnt be!

The blue light faded, and the flashes of sizzling Mana finally stopped, leaving behind an army larger than the Demon Forces.

N-no way. Zenkiel gawked, unable to comprehend the current turn of events.

Every single soldier halted in their tracks as they spotted the enemies. Their unstoppable confidence shriveled up that very moment.

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How is this possible?!

No one could understand how and why such a thing had occurred.

It was unbelievable, to say the very least.

Thats right! Standing opposite the Demon Army was a joint force of the newly formed Alliance.

An army of three million.

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It was perfectly timed, so our entrance achieved the best effect on our enemies.

I watched the Demons from my heights, in their vast number, gawk as we made ourselves known. As the blue hue around died down, I made sure to observe their ranks properly.

Fortunately, their battle formation was just as I expected.

You didnt let me down, Zenkiel. My smile widened.

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Now that we are here I suppose this means this will be our battlefield. I looked in the direction of the leaders who were around me.

They nodded, looking determined.

Some tried not to show it, but I could tell that they were intimidated by the sheer size of the Demon Army.

Sure, we outnumbered them. But it was Demons were extremely dangerous when it came to combat and Miasma usage. Plus, a majority of our soldiers came from the Human Kingdom.

We were considerably weaker than Demons when it came to regular members of our forces.

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This will be a very intense battle. Aurora looked at me, preparing herself.

Indeed. That makes me quite excited. Serah responded, grinning widely.

It was expected that people would lose their lives in war, so Jane and I would also prepare to resurrect our fallen soldiers so no life was lost on our end.

We would give it our all until we achieved victory.

That would be the idea in everyones head. However

I dont plan on that at all


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