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The old Demon King knew the implication of his words, but he didnt have any choice at this point.

It was an ungrateful, conceited approach, but he was left with no other option.

What did you just say?

No. I wont let you I cant let you.

The human furrowed his brow and sighed. He stretched out his hand and gave a serious look that made Aries shiver a little.

The Arcana.

N-no. I wont give you.

The death of his entire Race, Aries would never stand for that.

His sons foolishness would bring about many deaths there couldnt be more added to the pile.

You havent changed, uh? Doing whatever it takes for your people. The blonde spoke.

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Aries knew who the human was, and while he wondered how it was possible, he didnt know what to say.

I failed in our agreement The old one thought.

The first War started because he needed to aid his people. He caused such great tragedy, and now his son trod the same path.

Even at that even then

I cantno, I wontgive up on my people! With this thought clinging to his head, Aries stared hard at Jared Leonardthe one he knew as Lewis Griffith.

A wave of unease filled the hall as both parties looked at each other. The one who was uncomfortable by the others straight face was the former Demon King.

One would think the tension would be forever.

Whatever. Ill just look for it myself. The human shrugged and began exiting the Palace.

For a moment, Aries was relieved by what he heard. However, he wasnt out of the woods yet.

W-wait. Are you serious about this? Youll really kill all my people?

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Is there no other way?

I remember what happened the last time I sought another way. So no. This is the end of the line.

Aries didnt want things to reach this point. However

I-I cant allow that.

Rising from his throne while raising his body through Magic, the old Demon took to the air.

His body was shrouded in incredibly dense Miasma, and the power kept climbing.

What are you doing? Lewis Griffiths reincarnation asked with a somewhat annoyed expression.

I wont allow you to destroy my people.

The human shook his head and gave an exasperated sigh in response.

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You are too weak to stop me, you know? Your level of power is nothing compared to back then, but even if you were at full strength, that wouldnt mean anything to me.

Heh. Old age does something to you. I may be weaker, but I dont intend to lose. Aries smiled devilishly, summoning a dark blade from nowhere.

It was his Demon Edge, a blade that had the natural ability to absorb Miasma. Since Aries hadnt used it in ages, the level of negative energy it had was phenomenal.

Old age has nothing to do with this. This weakness of yours isnt normal. You must have been poisoned or something.

W-what?!The words of the human shocked Aries.

Do you understand now? The very Demons you chose to protect poisoned you so that you would grow too weak to rule. Abellion took that as his chance to rise to power.

The old Demon was fraught with disbelief at this point. Despair began to slowly seep in too.

This whole time, you probably thought your weakness and inabilities were the reasons for things turning out this way, but thats not completely true.

T-they betrayed me? Aries mumbled, his body trembling a bit.

Of course. Though its not their fault as well. They were being manipulated as well. This entire situation really isnt your fault, but your race is still at the center of everything. To protect my people, I must decimate yours.

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I I see

Aries understood Lewiss point of view.

Both of them desperately wanted to protect their own. Since that was the case, there was no way he could not respect the mans choice.


I will still raise my blade to stop you. Aries drew his sword.

As expected, you wont change, uh? Well, that makes me a little happy.

Aries found the human smiling, and then a wave of nostalgia permeated his heart.

This was the Lewis he remembered indeed.


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