Legris kept calling examinees one after the other, allocating exactly three minutes for each to display their worth.

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For those who risked it and went for spells that were very effective but took too long to cast, Legris stopped them midway.

Surprisingly, he told none of the examinees that they had failed. He simply repeated what he had told everyone else and directed them to the hallway where they would be taking the third section of their exams.

I guess it doesnt matter if they fail or not. The third phase will still be attempted by everyone I reasoned.

In the first place, not everyone was bound to pass the first stage, yet we were all included in the current second phase. It was most likely that our scores would be culminated and our final results from the overall achievements we made in all stages.

And so, time passed even though it was slowed down. I began to grow bored of the pathetic displays I witnessed one after the other. Other than Maria and one other kid called Stefan, I saw no one really worthy of note. It was a shame that I couldnt find anything entertaining, but patience was a virtue one learned as they grew older so I had lots of it.

Instead of focusing on others, there was a matter of utmost pertinence that I had neglected since the second round began.

What spell should I use?

Once again, as though reading my mind or just messing with me, Legris Damien looked in my direction and smiled.

Up next Jared Leonard.

My eyes bulged as I was welcomed to the center of the arena. I stood from where I sat and made my way to the center of the arena, feeling the intense gazes of everyone around. Surprisingly, they engaged in side talks and whispered about me.

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Whats this? Could it be that Im actually famous around these parts? My mind rang, inclining my ears to listen to their hushed words.

Leonard? As in the Duke family Leonard?

They havent produced a Magic-User in so long, and youre telling me someone from their household is here?

Pfft. They must truly be desperate. I wonder what method they had to resort to for their child to be here.

He doesnt seem strong. Do you think hell be impressive at all?

Even if they miraculously produced a Magic-User, theres no way hell be as high-end as the other families who have distinguished mages in their households.

Itll be a miracle if he could even produce an average spell!

Hearing their scathing comments put a nasty taste in my mouth, causing me to scowl a little. While I usually wouldnt pay any mind to weaklings, the fact that their words affected the image of my family, no matter how small was a little unpleasant.

We meet again, Mr. Jared Leonard. Legris smiled as I appeared before him.

Seeing his face made me temporarily forget the foolish ramblings of the seated fools. I didnt know why, but I felt an aura of ease around this examiner.

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Who would have thought, uh? Should I say its a pleasure we get to meet again under these circumstances? I asked with a grin.

Legris shrugged.

Maybe. Maybe not. Lets halt the small talk for now. Show me what youve got.

Even though he tried to act disinterested, I could sense it in his eyes. This man was absolutely curious about what I would show him.

The scroll he held in his hand vanished and he placed both hands in his pocket, looking at me with an air of confidence surrounding him.

Are you supposed to be so relaxed in front of someone whos about to shoot magic at you? I asked.

He shrugged once again.

It doesnt matter. Your spell wont have any effect on me, so dont worry. Now, you may begin. Your time starts now!

Even though the clock was ticking for my spell, I didnt make any motion for movement. A smile formed on my face as I slightly shook my head.

You have it all wrong, senior. I dont think youll be able to take my spell so casually. At the very least youll lift one, no, two of those hands to stop it.

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Legris appeared a little stunned as I said this. This only lasted for a moment though, as he burst into laughter soon afterward.

Youre pretty amusing, you know? But, even though you seem to possess sharp wits, more than anyone your age, youre merely a White Core Grade. What could you possibly hope to achieve in such a limited time that would cause me to take you a little seriously?

His eyes narrowed at me with suspense, still stunned that I hadnt even begun casting yet.

Your time is passing, you know?

I know. I snapped back at his reminder.

The audience stared at me impatiently, wondering what was going on. Judging from their reactions, none of them had the capability of using a simple spell for hearing enhancement in order to listen to my conversation with our examiner.

Hey, whats going on down there?

Did the Leonard brat give up already?

He hasnt even started doing anything and nearly a minute has elapsed.

Welp, what did you expect from him?

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Maybe some could have used magic to heighten their senses to pick up on my little exchange with the examiner, but didnt think of it.

How disappointing My thoughts trailed.

After a minute elapsed, I gave a short sigh, now stretching my body a little.

Looks like your grace period is over. I smiled.

My statement appeared to surprise Legris a little.

Grace period? He asked.

Yeah. To take this exchange seriously but it appears you wont. Well then, dont fault me for what happens next!

Feeling up the three Mana Cores within my body, I smiled, releasing the mana reserves within them through my pores.

After practicing for some time, I had gotten quite the hang of it. My level of mastery was to the point that no one would be able to distinguish it from a normal spell.


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