SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 496: 496 Archangel Drive [Pt 2]

Marias eyes showed contempt, disappointment swirling in her heart.

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Her opponent whom she expected to be strong enough to pose a challenge was already shivering in her grasp.

Surely, the real deal would have shown more resistance than this pathetic excuse before her.

He hasnt even struck one blow yet Her thoughts trailed.

Maria wasnt particularly looking for a fight where she would struggle, but wasnt it common sense that a truly powerful enemy would at least make her push everything she had to the limits?

Archangel Drive is my Fusion Mode in addition to Mage Mode Her thoughts trailed.

Was that truly enough to defeat the upper echelon of the Demon Army?

I should finish what I started, though Maria murmured to herself, already losing interest in the red lump of meat in her grasp.

Unfortunately or fortunately for her, the Crimson Demon she held had a differing opinion.

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Y-you youve humiliated me to this extent

Maria was surprised that the one called Lucien could still speak despite his swollen lips and bloodied face.

You call me weak you treat me this way no more!

Maria could feel the negative energy within and outside him growing stronger than ever. It was peaking to a point that even Maria had to let go of the opponent.


The Crimson Demon began growing in bulk. His muscular figure grew even buffer.

Lucien darkened in complexion, and a fiery aura enveloped him. His dark hair turned amber, and his eyes glowed as well.

His injured body slowly had a makeover, and signs of damage slowly faded away.

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I dont know what you did to hamper my regeneration my power but no more. His sharpened teeth let out steam as he spoke.

In his current state, even as they both floated in the sky, he was much bigger than her.

About twelve meters? Maybe thirteen Maria thought as she analyzed her predicament.

Of course, her expression was as stoic as always.

Looking down on me, uh? You little bitch! Ill make sure to tear you apart! He roared like a battle-hungry maniac.

Currently, the Crimson Demon had adopted a form known as Martial State.

As one who relied on only brute force and Martial Arts to fight, he didnt know any Magic. Still, he was strong enough to become the most powerful among the Demon Generals.

The reason for his edge over everyone was the special abilities he developed in his Martial State.

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For one, he attained instant recoverythough, for some reason, it had slowed down thanks to the girls troublesome ability.

Secondly, he grew more and more powerful depending on how enraged he was. His energy would keep climbing until it reached a threshold.

No one had been able to beat him in this Martial State, as he would decimate every one of his opponents.

You Ill make sure to kill you and everyone you love! Lucien growled, now baring his fangs at the angelic girl before himhis eyes bloodshot.

What did you just say?


You just said something. killing me and everyone I love something like that.

Y-yeah! What about it!

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Lucien was conflicted about how to feel about the girl he was about to rip to shreds. Anyone who saw this form of his would instantly realize the power gap and at least show some level of fear.

They would flee, or at least show a degree of despair.

But, this one was not like that at all.

Her expression seemed to turn even colder as she stared at him icily.

You? Dont make me laugh. Youre not worthy.

Veins appeared all over the Crimson Demons face as his bloodshot eyes bulged.

He hated being looked down on the mostespecially when it was an inferior human scum that was responsible.

Ill rip you apart!


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