SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 502: 502 Neron Versus Abellion [Pt 1]

Well continue this, later. For now, I better earn my keep. Neron said to the redhead.

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She pouted upon hearing his words, making her look even cuter than normal.

It was bad for Nerons cold, cold heart, so he winced at the cuteness displayed by the usually stern and wild Serah Crimson.

Dont be jealous. Haha, it wont take too long. Patting her head, as though she was a pet, Neron smiled.

Yeah? Okay then. Ill just watch, then.

What of the Demon Lord you were messing around with?

I killed him the moment I saw you. What of it?

A-ah, I see. Nothing, then. Okay, you can watch.

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Though Neron was certain of his feelings for the woman before him, and he knew she felt the same, he couldnt help but get a bit anxious when it came to Serah and what their future together would turn out to be like.

Hehehehe. The red-haired woman just kept giggling, overwhelmed by the giddy emotions swarming her.

And so, both of them decided to cut their little romance short so Neron could handle business.


Alright. Im ready now.

Abellion was confused for the umpteenth time.

The man before himthe one called Neron by the strange red-haired womanhad asked for a bit of time because of the earlier situation.

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Of course, Abellion didnt intend to accept it. However, before he could even do anything, Neron appeared to be ready for their fight.

Not only had Serah stopped her sharp dash toward Neron, but she was also in a different location from earlier.

The woman simply watched what was going on, and the Automaton that was previously engaged with Abellion also backed off.

Now that youre here, Ill be returning to my master. It had said.

Will you be telling Jared of my lateness? Neron answered with a question that seemed to stem from a playful point.

Theres no need. He already knows. With that, the Platinum Armored Automaton flew off in a flasheven faster than Abellion could keep up with.

It made the Demon King wonder why it hadnt moved that way during their fight.

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Theres no need to be concerned about your fight with that guy. He was just meant to buy time until I arrived. Abellions inner conflict was sharply interrupted by Nerons voice.

Youre Neron right? The Head of Ainzlark Academy, and one stated to be on par with the Eastern Kingdoms Grand Mages. Abellion spoke in a low tone.

The black-haired man shrugged and said nothing.

Then, I ask you were you the one who killed one of my Demon Lords, Lydia of Blanc?

For a moment, there was silence. Tense and unsettling, the empty void of words pervaded their vicinity.


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I wish. Na, it wasnt me. One of my students did. Shes a smart girl. Your Demon Lord didnt stand a chance.

I see Abellion controlled the rage swirling within him.

There was the possibility that Neron was lying, but he didnt see any reason why the man would do that.

Then, where is this girl now?

Neron raised a brow once this question was asked.

Why? You want to bypass me and?

No. I want to know where I need to go after killing you. Your student, whoever she is must die!

O-Oh, I see. Jeez whats got you so worked up? Well, yeah, shes still in Ainzlark. But, I have to say


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