SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 514: 514 Maria's Forwardness [Pt 1]

My eyes widened as I, for the first time, fully looked at Marias face.

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It looked sort of the same, but her cheeks were slightly flushed and her eyes were full of determination.

For some reason, due to the darkened ambiance of the room, she was looking far more mature than I initially thought.

I guess she wants to confess.

Was this good or bad? I wasnt sure.

But, if she was to confess at this moment, wouldnt it be easier for me to reject her? I mean, she was only sending signals before. It wasnt concrete enough to warrant a No.

But now? If she expressed her feelings, I could just tell her the truth about mine.

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Alright. Ill let her go first.

Maria, you can

Before I finished, her hands slightly landed on my cheeks, caressing them slowly.

Youre hot

Eh? I initially didnt understand what she meant by thator why she was touching me so intimately.

Her hands are cold and shes shivering a bit. Is she alright?

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I raised my hands to hold hers, definitely to remove them from my body before it was too late.


Your cheeks are so hot Maria moved closer to me.

Are you alright?

Her face was too close, causing me to turn away, sharply causing her hands to fly away from me.

Oh crap! Why does she have to go this far? Does she not realize what shes doing? As the adult here, I should put an end to this.

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Actually, Maria, I

As gently as the breeze, yet as swift as lightning, Marias lips landed on mine. It was too fast, and truly I couldnt explain how I was unable to react to someone slower than me by every standard.


Maria kissed me, returning her hands to my cheeks as she pulled closer.

N-no I cant. This is wrong. I cant!

My body was weakened for some reason, and I slowly throbbed as I raised my hand to push her away.

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But, Maria must have seen this coming since the next thing she did was push me backward, causing my stiffened body to fall on the bed.


Even though our lips detached, I felt in even more danger because of my new position. My eyes widened once they witnessed what came after my descent.

Swiftly, Maria positioned herself atop me and looked at me from her higher angle.

To be honest, she looked so attractive, and I could feel something rise from within and beneath me, but I focused squarely on what I had to do.

Youre terrible, Jared. Whats wrong with you!

The truth is Her whisper was cool, and her wide eyes watched me without blinking even once.

Im sixteen now. My birthday was a few days ago.


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