SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 538: 538 Labyrinth Of Despair [Pt 2]

Listen closely, everyone.

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A smile spread across my face as I addressed my somewhat concerned audience.

A surge of excitement surged through my palpitating heart. After so many centuries, I would finally be clearing this place with my friends.

It was a shame that Jane wasnt here, but I would simply have to regale her with the tale of how we succeeded later on.

Everyone, please watch over me! With that merry feeling in my heart, I went on to explain what we would be doing.

The Arcana is most likely at the center of this underground structureand its also responsible for creating anything and everything we encounter inside.

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Well, it was possible that the Mage who designed this place had set a few trap Magic in place, but unless a Spell was connected to a source of energy, then it would die out.

We should be prepared to see an artificial Mana Core, or perhaps its the Arcana itself thats responsible. In any case, since its an intricate system, I pick the latter.

My friends nodded as I continued.

The Labyrinth Of Despair is as the name sounds. Its a maze, and the goal is to reach the center and claim our prize. The true problem is the obstacles that will be in our way.

However, I had a way to overcome that part as well.

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The solution is simple to utilize as little Magic as you can, and focus on using your Magic Items instead.

U-uh? I dont understand. You mean? Lemi was the first to break the chain of silence.

She looked confused, but I could see a spark of excitement in her eyes.

Yeah. You can use Magic Items. Thats the point of this Labyrinth.

After testing several things out, I realized that it was meaningless, no matter how powerful a person was, to reach the center.

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The difficulty was simply ridiculous.

However, since the Labyrinth only took a persons power into account, it was possible to boost ones capabilities with tools.

In that vein, if we decided to keep our power levels on a low level and concentrate wholly on Magic Tools, we would be able to win.

Alright! Its about time! Ana yelled with excitement.

She hugged Lemi, and both of them shrieked excitedly.

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During our short time together, these two girls somehow managed to become quite close.

Maro was also fuming with exhilarationmost likely because he also shared their sentiments.

Well, out of everyone, these three still modified the Magic Items I gave them, so that makes sense

pan,da-n0v el In any case, it was about time we went in.

Lets do our best.

If everything goes well, this can simply be like a field trip



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