Hey. The strange boy flatly addressed me.

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I had intentionally avoided his gaze, but that was difficult to do now that he was standing directly in front of me.

Everyones eyes had shifted from Maria and were now locked on us, I could feel it. The most convenient option for me would be to ignore him and pretend I didnt hear in hopes that he would take the hint and scram.

However, that would be rude, and if I did that with the attention of everyone so fixated on us, it would create a terrible impression on not just me but my family. As someone who learned etiquette to the highest degree attainable for my age, I couldnt smear my familys name.

Plus, I intend on making friends in this place eventually. It wouldnt be good if I give a bad first impression and come off as snobbish.

Hey. I finally responded after a grueling series of internal interrogations.

I lifted my eyes to view the boy who addressed me and locked eyes with him. He had a gentle smile plastered on his face, but the lad couldnt fool my eyes. For some reason, the boy was hiding a deep glare underneath his nice demeanor.

Could I ask for your name? He asked.

I was now a little skeptical about telling him my identity, especially since it seemed like he had malicious intentions. However, I had already come this far anyway.

I am Jared Leonard.

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My flat statement seemed to provoke a surprised reaction from him and even those around me.

From the Duke Household of Leonard Alphonse Sereth? He calmly replied.

I responded positively.

His eyes seemed to ogle my body as if sizing me up. A wider grin appeared on his face, morphing the nice expression on his face into that of a condescending look of disgust.

I see A voice leaked out of his curled lips.

Feeling the air around us change, I decided to quickly change the topic.

What about yours?

The boy seemed a little flustered that I was asking such an obvious question. I felt more piercing gazes and heard gasps emanating from the rest of the students.

Whats going on? Am I supposed to know this guy? My thoughts trailed.

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Oh? I see. Its understandable that someone like you may not know who I am. The boy said with a mocking gaze.

My name is Stefan, from the glorious house of Netherlore Zenith.

My eyes widened slightly as my memory picked up an image. Slowly, I came to remember his identity. During the exams, he was the only other student that performed adequately well apart from Maria.

I wasnt really focused on his appearance since he didnt have any striking features other than the fact that he was handsome.

To think he was the one who spoke to me. The fact that the kid was seated beside Maria proved that he was also considered a magic prodigy. After all, no one gave him scathing glares for choosing where he sat.

It seems I have jugged your memory. He smiled, drawing closer to me.

I eased my back on my seat to create even more distance between us, but it was no use since he moved even nearer.

Ill make this nice and simple, so listen well He whispered, intentionally reducing the volume of his tone so only I could clearly hear him.

What was he going to say? I had a fair idea.

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Im going to need you to leave this place immediately youre making me and Maria over there uncomfortable. You understand, dont you?

Just as I thought. He was playing this card. I already assumed that everyone avoided seating anywhere around them due to respect and awe. However, it was also because of fear. They didnt want to cross the most powerful geniuses in the room.

This guy is he really threatening me right now?

It was laughable to the point that I leaked a chuckle, despite trying my hardest to contain my amusement.

Stefan, as his name was, drew away from me as soon as he saw me chuckle and gave me a deep glare. Apparently, I had just insulted him.

I am being polite right now. Leave, and there will be no issue. He narrowed his eyes at me.

Pfft! Is that supposed to be scary?

For me, it was no more than a childs tantrum. He couldnt be any older than I was, yet the air he commanded made him think of himself as superior.

I turned my head to my right, seeing the girl that sat a couple of seats away from me. Her striking beauty was still something that impressed me. Turning back to Stefan, I asked a simple question.

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You say I am disturbing the both of you, correct?

Yes. His glare deepened as he answered.

I smiled and nodded, rising from my seat. The little brat appeared pleased by my actions, not suspecting my next move.

Swiftly gliding past him, I moved to my right and approached the goddess everyone seemed to fawn over, Maria. Stefans eyes bulged, surprised by my audacity. However, before he could come over to me and give his reaction, I leaned closer to the girl and asked her a very simple question.

Our faces were close, and I could see the clear sparkles in her eyes. They seemed slightly bigger than usual, perhaps because she was also surprised by my effrontery. I ignored the flustered reaction she gave, Stefans increasing rage, and the angry stares all around me.

Am I disturbing you?

My voice reverberated across the vast space surrounding us, and the question rang ever so deeply in everyones head. It was the ultimate insult to the one who proposed that notion in the first place, and he was already beside me, ready to give me a fist to my face.


I dodged Stefans jab and grabbed the arm he flung at me. Swiftly twisting it with absolute precision, I rattled his joints, causing him to yelp in pain.


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