SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 543: 543 Hostile Interruption

How could I forget that experience? Maria basically forced me on the bed and!!!

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Dont tell me were going to do that again?!

I didnt want to admit it, but the thought of that got me excited. Still

Not here! If anyone sees us!!!

Unfortunately, it was too late. I wasnt fast enough. My legs were too weak too. It wasnt my fault that I couldnt resist.

I just wanted it over with quickly.

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Then, if you remember then can you make your decision more in my favor? Just consider it. Thats how you can take responsibility. Marias hand brushed my cheek as she spoke.

My eyes widened as I felt her sincere smile wash over me. It felt completely different, and my heart began racing at an unbelievable speed.

N-no way!

She was so close to me.

Just think of me a little more thats all.

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I un

Shhh Her finger was on my lips at this point, and I found myself unable to move.

Do you understand, Jared? Not Aloe Vida. Not Ana. Not Lemi. Not Ciara. Think about me

I understood why she would say that about the others, but why did Maria even mention the last name?

Im just being thorough. As if she read my mind, she answered.

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Youre pretty cute when youre flustered, you know?


I didnt know Maria was so good at flirting. If I was being honest, she was far better than Emilia.

So that last time wasnt a fluke. But, this is too how did she become so intense?!

It is said that everyone had dual sides to them. Was this the part of herself that Maria had been hiding from everyone else?

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Rather than the prim and proper young lady, this teasing girl was almost a total stranger.


I didnt dislike it.

Thank you? I managed to leak my voice out in a squeak.

Youre welcome!

With that, Maria backed off a little, giving me a little breathing room.

That was intense!


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