SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 584: 584 Discovery Of The Forbidden

I observed Marias expression after giving her my assertion.

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N-Nether? Isnt that what you said Merlin warned you about? She mumbled thoughtfully.

Indeed. I wouldnt have thought that the danger itself was in the Eastern Kingdomespecially a Noble household.

Was the Nether Cult also in possession of the same element? If that was the case, then it could be a war on two ends.

First things first, though I had to get rid of whatever abyss they found to access Nether.

According to both Merlin and the Pope, the world would be destroyed if I allowed Netheran energy not meant to exist on this planeto thrive.

We have to act fast, Maria!

Things could have progressed past the point of no return, so it was best if we moved as quickly as possible.

But what exactly do we have to do?

First, we get enough information on the Netherlores and what they are up to

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Deducing from the incident that happened to Maria so many years ago, the Netherlores had been involved with Nether for a while.

Also, since they separated from the Helmsworth and took on the name of Netherlore, it must have been caused by their exposure to the element

The Royal Family might eventually get involved in this. In the worst case scenario, the Netherlore household could be purged from the Eastern Kingdom.

I heard Maria give a surprised gasp. I understood she didnt understand the severity of the situation.

Even I didntat least, not until I recieved my locked memories back.

It looks like I won our bet, Solomon. A slight smile formed on my face, but it didnt last lonh.

I calmly grabbed Maria by the shoulder and stared into her eyes.

I know youre confused. Everything is happening very fast, and theres a lot you dont understand. Dont worry, Ill explain everything as soon as we wrap this whole thing up.


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I nodded at her question.

We just have to hope that everyone else is fine with their search. Were going to be quite busy with this mess

Thankfully, Maria was quick on the uptake. I could still sense worry locked in her eyes, but she pushed it back with determination.

I understand! Lets do this, then!

A smile formed on my face, and then I noticed something glow from Marias grasp.

Is that?

Ah! Yeah its [The Pope] Arcana. It sort of helped me for a bit when you fell unconscious.

Ah, I see

Here. Maria pointed the card at me, but I quickly shook my head and clasped my two palms on her hand.

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No. Keep it.

E-eh? Why?

Trust me, okay?

A-alright Maria didnt argue.

I heaved a sigh of relief, happy to have such an understanding partner.

She must be so confused and shaken right now. Im surprised she hasnt broken down despite all the overwhelming power she just experienced

It showed that Maria had potential. Perhaps she too would develop a connection with the source?

No. I cant be too sure. Maybe shes just compatible like Stefan is.

Too many unanswered questions swirled in my head, but I had to shove them away at the moment.

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Layers upon layers of overlapping memories also surfaced. My time with Solomon and Lilith especially reared their head.

The situation demanded I remained focused, though, so I pushed them down.

Alright, Maria. Lets go.

A bright blue flash of light appeared, and space instantly distorted.

This place is a research facility used for the purpose of Nether. Im sure it goes deeper than this. First, Ill clear the building, and then take my time to explore the results theyve reached.

My Automatons had already gotten most of the buildings layout, and I knew just where my enemies were situated.

Thanks to the commotion we caused here, a good number of them had to be headed to this location already.

If I didnt act fast, they were going to interrupt my investigation.

A smile formed on my face as I calculated the time and distance it would take for me to finish everything.

The most optimal solution presented itself, and I nodded in approval.

Alright why dont we greet them instead?


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