SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 588: 588 Third Wheel

So they failed, uh? A voice called out from the darkness.

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It belonged to a young man.

His eyes were crimson, and he stared into the vast night sky.

All alone, he felt the loss of the subordinates he had warned. To think they still failed despite his help.

Its just like Jared to get in my way His eyes narrowed as he replayed the battle that happened on a screen created by Magic.

The panel showed how Jared fought against the Nether Beast, not missing a single thing.

So he can even handle one if those things. Impressive.

The boy in the darkness was Stefan, and his lips curled up in a smile while rewatching the fight one more time.

I guess this is the end of the Netherlores. They were useful, but I really shouldnt consider them family.

As his voice echoed into the silent night, his gaze fell on the blond boy once more.

Still, Jared you took your time facing off against just one of those.

Stefan, who comfortably sat on a high cliff, looked beneath him.

Several monsters prowled aboutemitting the same wave of energy one could classify as Nether.

They numbered in hundreds, at the very least. Stefan watched as their bodies morphed into various shapes and sizes.

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The beasts mindlessly lumbered around, littering the ground like filthy animals. In the end, Nether Beasts were just unintelligent monsters.

If this is the best you can do, Jared, then Stefans smile widened as he closed his eyes.

The battle he had with Jared replayed in his memory, and he could see just how much he had been overestimating the boycompared to the underwhelming results he now saw.

How can we call ourselves rivals?


Okay, this place gives me the creeps. Is it just me?

Three people walked down an empty hallway. Their different sizes and shapes told of how unique the trio were.

One had a slender build and long hairobviously a girl. Her pointed ears showed she was an Elfno, Half Elf.

The man beside her was huge. Having bulging abs and glistening biceps, he made sure not to draw too close or too far away from the lady.

As for the last person, he was a simple fellow. Having red hair and a plain face. His body was also normalno extraordinary features at all.

In raw words, he was an ordinary human, or at least he appeared to be.

D-dont you worry, Lemi! Ill never leave your side, no matter what! Edward smiled bravely.

His auburn hair danced in his head as he walked, always keeping his senses open for any danger that might befall any of themLemi especially.

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Thank you, Ed. Can I call you Ed?

The Half Elf called Lemi gave a wide smile at the obviously lovestruck boy. Her soft hands caressed his muscled hands as she smoothly called his name.

W-well!!! Edward felt his body jerk as he felt every touch due to his peaked sensitivity.

Still, he controlled himself to the maximum. Even as Lemis hands were intricately tracing their way through his hand, and then bare body.

It felt very ticklish, yet so very unique.

Your body is so amazing, Ed. Id really love to see more of it with just both of us! Lemis eyes were wide with delight and a perverse pleasure.

A-ah w-well Hahaha! Edward was at a loss for words.

His innocence in these things largely contributed to his inability to properly react to Lemi.

What in the world was he supposed to say when a hot Half Elf girl like her told him about how amazing his form was.

Edward had already been feeling self-conscious among everyone, thanks to how bulky he was. But, the fact that Lemi liked it so much

made him drown in an inexplicable emotion.

She even wants to see it in private! Haa could this be it?

According to what he heard from Jared, he couldnt make his assessment on Lemi based on looks alone.

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While his very good friend didnt specify her age, Edward could deduce that Jared meant she was older than he was.

Elves live longer and maintain their youthful forms He remembered one of their discussions.

It begged the question of how old Lemi wasnot that it really mattered to the young loverboy.

Despite his huge size, Edward was just fifteen years old. He looked much older and bigger than the girl he desired, but he was happy that she was older than he was.

Hehe Hehe look at this perfectly toned skin. Your abs are just so ah, look at that chest!

It seemed Lemi had long forgotten the purpose of their missionor the fact that she said she was frightened merely moments agosince she was actively fawning over Edwards body.

Her hands just kept rubbing them and feeling the meaty mass. Edward idiotically didnt stop her, as he too derived pleasure from every single thing she did.

It was a win-win situation for everyone right?


You guys should just get a room or something!

It seemed the two have forgotten, but there was one last member of their team.

Sure, he was silent and lacked any significant presenceat least compared to the other twobut that didnt make him nonexistent.

How much longer can I take this? Ivan Smith was bordering on the edge of insanity as he had this thought.

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He was fine with public display of romance, and he wasnt exactly a wet blanket, but

Werent Lemi and Edward being tok inconsiderate?

Im human too, you know? Isnt this too unfair? He practically witheld his tears as he kept walking.

Ivan had tried everything to distract him from the the shameless display of the two beside himfrom active Mana Meditation, or communication with his Familiarbut nothing seemed to quell their very steamy session.

The worst part was that Ivan could not understand why these two would choose to do or stay such sensitive stuffs when he was right beside them.

It made no sense!

Lets just find the Arcana and get this over with. I want to go home





I apologize for all the grammatical errors youve been encountering. Ill correct then when I have more time on my hands. Thanks for understanding.

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