Now that you have all seen your results we shall now finalize this event. Desmond Lawcroft said with a booming voice, interrupting the many sounds that permeated the hall.

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As for rhose who arent among the hundred, several doors are appearing to your right and left. Please take any of those doors and leave this hall immediately.

Ouch! Was what I thought as soon as Desmond uttered those words.

These people were still recoiling from the shock of failing in their hopes and dreams, yet no condolences were made, not even a few moments given for the rejects to pull themselves together.

In unadulterated words, this man was telling them to get the heck out!

I heard chairs shifting and people rising from their positions obediently. Murmurs and whispers of saddened people became the new anthem in the large hall as they all went toward the several doors that suddenly appeared just like Damien said.

There were about eight to the right and eight to the left. This sped up the process of leaving the hall for this who had passed.

As I watched on, I couldnt help but feel for them slightly. I had a similar experience when my dreams were dashed the moment it was revealed that I could never use magic. Unfortunately, not everyone could reincarnate like me. Or could they? I had no idea.

In a few minutes, the three thousand, nine hundred failures left the hall, not wanting to delay for even a second and expand their shame.

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As soon as the last one left, the doors vanished and those who passed, i.e. Me and ninety-nine others, were left on the sparse seats that seemed so many now that a majority of us had left.

The hall appeared way larger than it was before since we were the only ones occupying it. I felt uncomfortable and wanted Damien, or whoever would do it, to show us into Ainzlark and have things over with, but no one did such a thing.

After waiting for a few seconds, I realized it the evaluations werent over yet! Looking at the expression of those around me, it appeared I wasnt the only one who thought that.

A wave of unease filled the hall.

Relax, everyone. You have all passed the exams and are eligible to be students of Ainzlark Academy. That much is guaranteed.

The moment Damien said this, the unease lessened, but didnt vanish entirely. And that simply because he wasnt done yet!

Despite you all passing, the procedure of this Academy is still at play. Do you all remember what you were told before you started your first test? Yes your scores determine your status within Ainzlark, especially your Core Grade!

I sighed. I thought I had completely avoided that, but it seemed that this troublesome thing had come to bite me in the butt yet again.

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Ainzlark Academy works in accordance with the class system. There are 3 specific stages to transverse in order to be considered a full-fledged mage and be eligible for graduation. This will all be explained in your orientation. However, there is an important explanation that cant wait until then the true meaning of the class system.

Here it comes! I gulped.

Each Stage in Ainzlark Academy is divided into three classes. The Upper Class, for the talented; The Middle Class for those with potential; and the Lower Class, for those who are neither talented nor have potential.

My eyes widened as soon as I heard this, and I heard equally shocking gasps from a few in the hall. Despite passing the exam, they still segmented students like this to clearly differentiate those who would rise higher in the realm of magic and those who were doomed to remain average.

This method didnt exist in the past, neither was it recorded in the materials I read about the Academy. Considering the surprise of everyone else in the room, they werent aware of it as well. That meant it was a fairly new system.

This Class System is a new policy that the Academy has adopted, and its highly efficient. In essence, even though a hundred of you passed, you wont be in the same class!

That much was a given. The bigger question in everyones mind was what I wanted an answer to. My eyes focused on Desmonds lips as he uttered the words.

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While your other test results have to do with it, the major criteria for measuring the class you all belong to is your Mana Core Grade!

I knew it!

No one needed to tell me the class I belonged to it was obvious. No matter what glamorous score I obtained on the first and second tests, it was inconsequential. After all, my score for the Mana Core Grade test was a mere 1!

Your classes will be announced during your orientation tomorrow. For now, you will be taken into the main Academy and shown into your dorms. You will do well to relax while you can.

As Damien told us a few other things, such as the provision of our daily necessities such as clothes, food, and other staple items, he rounded up by congratulating us on passing. His eyes were mainly focused on Stefan and Maria, though. I could tell.

He didnt even glance at me for a second, even though my seat was just a short distance from theirs.

I guess he doesnt care for a White Core Grade.

As soon as he was done addressing us, he vanished into thin air, using the same whirlwind spell he used earlier. I observed the spell closely and figured out its workings. A small smile appeared on my face. Soon, I would also be able to perform such magic.

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That feeling alone was enough to banish the unease and disappointment I had concerning the Class System the Academy had adopted.

I was certain I would fall into the Lower Class, and because of that, access to the privileges of the higher Classes wouldnt be granted to me.

It was such a shame indeed. But, I didnt give in to despair for a second. After all, it didnt matter what the Academy did to pull me down in the end.

Sooner or later, they wont be able to ignore me!

Once that time arrived, the Academy would have no choice but to promote me to the level I deserved.

I just had to be patient.

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