SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 601: 601 The Draconic Warrior

N-no way its you!

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As Asa observed the beings appearance, especially his face, he had no doubt in his mind as pertaining to this strangers identity

There was no way someone like him would be forgotten by the young boy.

Y-you youre Lord Vaizer, arent you! Vaizer the Azure Dragon Of Crimson!

Upon hearing this statement, the horned man stopped in his tracks and observed Asa. A smile crept up on his face instantly.

Oh? It seems I have yet to be forgotten by my people.

Asa couldnt believe his eyes. He was standing before a legend one who was said to be unrivaled before his father became Beast King.

An invincible Beast King in his own right Vaizer the Draconic Warrior!

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T-this is Vaizer? A hushed voice proceeded from Aloes lips as she stared at Asa, and then at Maro.

If Asa was right, and the men indeed responded to that name, it would mean his identity was the former Beast King. However, that would also mean

Hes a member of the Cult.

Asa snapped from his awe and glanced to his side. He noticed his comrades glaring at the one known as Vaizer, and it also started to dawn on him too.

A-ah, sorry guys. The boy muttered, flushed with slight embarrassment.

Hahahaha! It looks like you know already. Very good. It makes this much easier and less awkward.

Once the Beastfolk before them erupted in laughter, the three had to give all their attention to him.

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Not only because of the dangerous energy he emitted, but because of the dangerous task he must have been entrusted with the Arcanas.

Just give it up. You cant win. He, having noticed their hesitance, responded with a wide grin.

His sharp teeth went on display, and a very bloodlusted gleam flashed from his eyes. Anyone could tell he meant business.

His sudden appearance, the immediate execution of their clones, and now his demand. It was plain to the three at this point.

Hes the one, all right. What should we do, Maro? Aloe glanced at her most reliable partner when it came to these things.


I urgh

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The man collapsed. Fortunately, Aloe had noticed sooner, and she was fast enough to catch him.

She swiftly held his body, feeling it shiver in her grasp.

He I see, the Mana Pressure. Her eyes widened upon realization.

Maro was the weakest among everyone in the room, in terms of Mana quality and Magic ability.

Why didnt I realize sooner? The young woman bit her lip slightly.

He fell rather quickly. Just how weak is he, to be affected by my Mana Pressure already? Vaizers response angered Aloe, but she maintained her cool.

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Placing the mans body on the ground, she covered him with Light Magic. Not only would her Mana protect Maro from the adverse effects of the pressure, but it would allow him to recuperate.

I dont know why you bother with dregs like that. Hes weak, you know? I can sense that youre strong, at least. Why waste time on someone like tha?

Would you shut up, please? Aloe Vidas lips curled up in a dangerous smile, and her eyes sharply glared at the draconic beastfolk.

It felt like she was slowly snapping, and Asa beside her could also sense the same thing. The look in her eyes made it obviousso much so that if scared the young one.

Miss Vida is upset. Ive never seen her upset.

The young lady stepped forward, her focused eyes remaining on her target.

Youre a feisty one. Very well. I also believe in letting abilities do the talking, however Vaizers eyes narrowed as his grin widened.

I can promise you loss of you fight with me. Youre not strong enough to


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